The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE; INQUIRER; SATUPv.DA,Y MORNING', NOVEMBER 7, 1914 STORK OPENS 8.80 A. AND CLOSES 0.30 M.1 HATS TRIMMED TREE OF CHARG1 MAIL AND 'PHONE ORDERS FILLED MANY FEATURES FOR HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Continues to I Men's Furnishing Sale SST7 0 ff tVF TRIM ALL HATS FREE OF CHARGE A HATS nmnie( and Reai3t03ear Xrimniings Our Prices Art Lowest for the Smartest Styles Offer Extraor- Unary Values I FOOD EXPOSITION III IS II nen we prepare for this great November event we wer fortunate to secure large enough lots to be able to announce a second day remarkable -value-giving. 1.49 s2.98 $2.50 Sand Top HATS, $4 Readyto Wear HATS, $1.00 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS at Reading Terminal Market Show Will Be Open December 2 to 12 Doable' Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon With black velvet facings variety of the latest shapes with soft crowns. sort, PiiKy ponfree in lovely variety of patterns. Perfectly made and finished.

Fine quality blac-fc velvet, smartly triuimed with ribbon, bows, flowers. t' Filbert Seventh Market Eighth AFTER THAT UNTIL CLOSING TIME SINGLE STAMPS FIRST FLOOR, 7TII MARKET 1 LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II1IIUII1I1I1II1IUIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1IIII1I1III1I11IIIIIIIIIIII1BII1I111II1III1III1I1I1IIIII1I1 "Wright's "S2 Union Suits, $1.29 it at 9 Exhibits Will Surpass All Previous Efforts and Decorations Will Ba More Elaborate A Today's Display and Sale' of Misses' and Women's Apparel Supplies One of (i 1 the Most Important Chapters in the History of Our Outer Garment Salons 1 Made on the spring needle machine, giving a fine ribbed weave, in wool and worsted. Uave woven neck, long sleeves and are ankle-length good sizes. Might imperfections, but nothing to hurt wear. i Iff One I Vi! Sketched One Sketched Eclipsing all previous efforts the an nual Food Exposition of the Reading Ter I Large II ultra fashionable sailor with soft crowns of finest Black Lyons' velvet.

shapes 1 I si i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Laundered Shirts, 69c minal Market is expected to be one of the most remarkable and interesting displays of its kind ever held. Because cf quality 71 Taiicucs uiai uavc ucvci mccu cuiucu values iiiai iuiow no peer. nc iuc spiciiuiiuy icaujr 'Ovr to supply every need with the height-of -fashion and at economical price. Of madras and percale with' new short plaited or stiff bosoms, that the greater elaboration of decoration and $3.50 Velour Hats, $1.98 "Flossie also the new "Esther in black and some colors. will not bend or break; neat, rich I special features the exposition this yeas atterns.

Coat style, with attached I will extend over ten business days, De stiff ruff For Misses $27.50 Suits; cember 2 to 12. feW I i TRIMMINGS' Coming as it does in the midst of thi Ill 50c to $1 Silk and Velvet it duc us mere nose, zyc Of pure worsted yarn, full reg- I I ular made. Positively fast black. Sketch shows one of the three exceptionally attractive styles holiday season when food stuffs of all kinds are ready in the greatest profusion the exposition will" be, no doubt, tha Mecca for hundreds of housewives. Every Roses, 25c 49c With foliage.

All newest coloring. Ostrich Feather Bands, 98c to $2.98 r.C Vi mnat floC 1 I'll a and showing In diagonal cheviot of navy blue, brown and other colors, beautifully lined hip-length French jackets, collar and trimming bands of rich velvet. product of the farm, orchard, water and land will be tastefully decorated for tha exhibit. Also suits in fine broadcloth, with military collar of fur or trimmed with babv styles in black, white colors. 1 FIRST FLOOR, vrTrr" 1 Handkerchiefs, 50c One of the many features of the ex lamb cloth.

position will be the music. One of tha I.ifcr 3d'SJtl'Lia FTC Some Women's pure silk crepe -de chine white centers, with colored borders, or all-colored. best bands in the city has been engaged for the affair and special concerts will be given daily. Because of the demand 16.50 9.9S Misses' $25.00 Coats Juniors' $14.00 Coats v. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH for space by outside exhibitors it ia Blouse Suggestions Dainty new styles at particularly probable that a special tlevated gallery will be built for the musicians reasonable prices.

The Reading Terminal Market Busi Style for Sclwol and Dressy Wear Tailored of zibeline, kersey and mixtures, in Hunter's green, nut brown, Holland and navy blue. Latest military cape and belted effects some trimmed with velour or fur cloth. Chic Neiv Style Of cross-bar pebble cheviot, in, Holland blue, black, navy blue, green and brown, made raglan effect with full ripple, short belt, military collar of fur cloth and pretty fur cloth buttons. Men's $3 Hats $4.50 Crepe de Chine ness Men's Association has appropriated more than three times the usual amount of money to cover the expenses for music. Waists for 22.50 Misses'.

$30.00 Suits $2-18 Misses' $18.50 Suite Redingote and shorter coat styles. In serge, diagonal and cheviot, of navy blue, brown, green and plum plain tailored or prettily velvet-trimmed. Misses' and Women's $10 Dresses $(J50 Nice quality navy blue and black serge, made tunic effect with satin sleeves and flounce. Picture Stows Strikingly Pretty Style in Poplin. Navy blue, black, rich brown or green, with full ripple coats, in box-plaited effect and finished with novel stole-collar of baby lamb cloth.

Other suits are in gabardine, serges and cheviots, beautifully trimmed with silk braid, fur cloths and velvets. Of fine fur felt, in t-V variety of the lat- est shapes. Derbies in a perfect jet black feather-weight. Soft Hats ia colors, with band to match or in contrast. Black.

White and Pink Prettily all-aver embroidered, finished with seams and small black Women's Elegant s29.75 aecorations and advertising- lue success attained last year has led. all the members to work together to again place the public stamp of approval upon tha display. Manufacturers Apply Not only food stuffs will be displayed. A large number of manufacturers have obtained permission to demonstrate their products in the market during the exposition. Applications for space are being received by the special committee from every Eection of the United States.

Stands will not be allotted, however, until early next month and only dealers of repute will be allowed to show their wares. One ether stipulation has been" placed and that is that the products displayed must be interesting and instructive to the housewife. This step was decided upon because of the limited number of available stands for this purpose. One of the most interesting features of the exhibit will be the program which a special committee is preparing. Ic 29.75 Women's Handsome $37.50 Suits $40.00 15 For Women: $20 Suits Women's $15.75 Top Coats Boys' Cloth Hats, $1 Large variety of new Rah-Rah and college hats of fine woolens in latest patterns and all colors.

1198 Model in Gabardine As Sketched The richest colorings. Made full ripple back, richly trimmed with fur and all silk-lined. $3.00 French Voile Women's $7.00 Skirts s4.98 $1.98 Some For Trimmed Include gabaraiue. st-re and mixed mitings, of brown; green, black, navy and oiher rich colorings. Have both redingote and short coats military collars, the newest style skirts and trimmings of genuine fur tloj.

velvet or motifs. Latest short Russian jacket styles, with collar hip bands of far. These are extra fine quality chiffon broadcloth. Also other smart styles in pebble cheviot and broadcloth, trimmed with fur clotb, separate vestees, fancy strappings and nSvelty collars. SECOND FLOOR Several Groups Picture fhow One.

Of pebble cheviot, of dark colors also novelty mlxture-i. iu brown and-white and bla-k-and-white efforts. Some mannish stvles with patch t.ot-kets. "Uiers dressy redincte effects with broad side belts and velvet trimminsrs. Waists Men's Stetson Hats, $3.50, $4 and $5 Derby and soft hats in season's new est shapes: genuine Stetson felt.

Jn wool poplin, gabardine and serge, of navy blue and black. Several of the smartest yoke-top and plaited fashions. As Sketched. They're beautifully embroidered, nnistaed with flaring lace trimmed collars and ohic black moire ribbon. SKroxn Frnnn First Floor, 7th Market Sts.

llIllIIIIIlIIIllIIllIIIIlIIIIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIISIIIIIIIlllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMisiiiiiiiIIIlIlIIIlllIIlIIIItirL PL IL iDryseniDcuiuuib Just Arrived! These Pretty Hats and 1000 New Suits, Balmacaans Overcoats Surplus Stock of a Leading New York Maker 'Purchased in Entirety Coats For Little Folks Some of the best values ice have yet announced. Thinking of FURS? PS Here the most sumptuous American and European styles are presented in dependable guaranteed furs at moderate prices. Following are some unusually good values in small furs the coats are just as economically priced. $35 Fur Sets, $22.50 For Misses and Little Women Include large bolster muff and animal shape neck- piece both beautifully silk lined. Choice of black Canadian or blue wolf, Brussels lynx, cknnk-dyed raccoon, effectively trimmed with natural fitch.

promises to be exceptionally unique. Tha features to be emphasized each day and the musical program will be graphically illustrated in the book. Duririz the evening the spacious market building will be brilliantly lighted with electricity. This display "will surpass last year's effort as many thousands oi varied colored bulbs will be used. The Terminal Market auto delivery service will be in operation' before the exposition op-ens and will be prepared to deliver purchases directly to the homes on scheduled time.

This will prove a great convenience. Furthermore women who are shopping in the centre of the city can bring their packages to the receiving station in the market and have them delivered to their homes at a very nominal charge. Ordinarily You Would Pay $18, $20 $22.50 for Clothing -fl of This Kind We Have Marked It Unreservedly at JiJio r0m 84.50 Hats, SQfi Tuo sketched. VJ? They are velvets, plushes and coney fur, trimmed with ribbons, silks, flowers and fur, for children of 2 to 12 vears. Also other pretty styles ct $3.38 and A hat is sketched.

The Styles Are the Choicest of Those Deemed Sartorially Correct for the Winter of 1914-15 Most young men are partial to the debonaire English cut fashions with patch pockets, shaped coats and narrow trousers. 'I The majority of middle-aged and elderly men always prefer the staple American styles. We would like all men who usualy spend $18, $20 and $22.50 for their clothes Fresh Cut Blooms of Rare Beauty. In yel- low. white and pink.

10c each or $1 dozen 15c each or $1.50 dozen 25c each or $2.50 dozen 8th St. Side, Main Arcade Utf'CA Jit LilOe Tots' S7.53 lo SI 1.50 Ccals, $4.98, $6.98 $7.98 $40 French Seal Sets $29.75 $35 Beautiful Civet Cat Sets $25 Fitch Opossum Sets $16.50 i $20 Brussels Lynx Sets $11.90 to see these and the price is only $11. 5. One model sketched. Finest wool poplins in white, pale blue of pink, cream lamb cloth, screes and batistes some with -genuine coDey.

rur Also special display of little folks Furs at 98c to $25 collars, wide ilk girdles, bralda nd fancy buttons. Sizes 1 yi-ars. Also These Rarely Good Values in Men Clotoing Suits, Balmacaans Overcoats" In Iceland fox, tin bet, Loose squirrel, imitation ermine, blended squirrel, kit aud mole coney, white lamb and twenty-five other kinds. SECOND FLOOR if S-i A I $20.00 S-fl $25.00 $27.50 Infants' Goods From Japan Japanese Silk Quilted Carriage Robes, hand- on no fn QO embroidered, at Silk Quilted Bathrobes, $2.98 $3.98 $15.00 Values Vahiel. JLeJ Values Wj amounts .1 A saving of $5 means a good deal to any man and on some it Some exquisitely hand-em broiderea at 4.38 Crepe de Chine Sacques short 4 1Q fn CO Or style, hand-embroidered IU to nearly $10.

These are splendidly tailored garments in the very smartest new fashions and fabrics. 1 SUBWAY New Sand Color Millinery, $2.98 THE latest vogue! Charming hats all created within the last few days and representing the verv last word in fashion. They're velvets, in medium and large shapes, smartly trimmed with ribbons, furs, flowers and ostrich. $1.50 French Felt Hats. 49c Fine French fur felt with black velvet facing.

Black and two-tone color $3.9 3 Long models are Children's Sweater Coats, $1.98 to $2.98 Women's $1 Kid Gloves, 79c Two-clasp; black, white, tan and gray. All sizes. Tots' $3.50 Coats, $1.98 Cheviots and shaggy hair cloth, attractively trimmed. Sizes 2 to ti years.t Men's Young Men's $13.50 Suits Overeoats, $8.75 Suits of fancy mixtures, pin stripes and plaids. Two- and three-button coats.

Overcoat in blue chinchillas with shawl collar and brown and gray mixtures, with storm collar. Regular and stout sizes. Men's Young Men's $10 Overcoats, $5.98 Brown, gray and blue mixtures; 56-inch leugth belted back and storm collar. Sizes 34 to 46. Men's $3.50 Trousers.

$1.98 Mixtures, blue serge and black thibets; EXPOSITION NOT POSTPONED President- cf Exhifak :1 tioh "Denies Rumor Emphatic denial of the rumors that the Panama-Pacific International Exposition would be postponed because of the war in Europe was contained in a telegram received yesterday by Mayor Blankenburg from Charles C. Moore, president cf the Exposition, who is now in San Francisco supervising the completion of the' buildings and arrangements for the exhibition. The Exposition will open an February 20, as scheduled, Mr. Moore assured the Mayor. "It is sure of being the greatest and most important in history and promises today, regardless of the war, to have a commercial influence beyond all precedent," he said.

Already the Exposition is ninety-five er cent, completed, exhibition space is over applied for, participation arrangements by the States are the greatest ever known in exposition history, claimed Mr. Moore. Despite the war the Exposition will have as active participants as many foreign nations as have ever been represented in any such a display, he said. standing of the Exposition as a factor in the economic situation resulting from war and as a factor in securing new markets bv American producers is being realized by the largest and most alert manufacturers in this country, and Wool yarns in heavy plain weare. Shawl 1 collar an patch 3 ill Boys' Suits, Reefers, Top Coats and Balmacaans 43.8' kets.

Sizes to 10. poc Balmacaans and overcoats j) Suits of cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds and serges; in smart mixtures and chinchillas. ings. Best dress shapes. $5.00 Sf! AO $6.50 SO AO $800 $4.98 s7.50 s3.98 $2.98 $10.00 $12 Values SHOE DAY A GREAT Values Values Values SECONI FLOOR, 7TH AND MA It FT -STS.

We Are Ready With the Very Best Values That You Can Get Anywhere in This Town. And you can always be sure of satisfactory service in shoes you purchase here, v.o matter hoi? small the price yon pay. 1 65c Cambric Gowns, 49c One Sketched. Slip-over model, yoke and sleeves of eyelet embroidery and lsce insertion. Several other- styles.

SPORTIXG GOODS Silk Petticoat Most Every Woman Requires a Women's $3, $3.50 $4 Shoes, $2.39 Surplus Stock of a Noted Boston MaJcer. Patent coltskin, gun-metal calf and glazed kidskin; also Men's $3 Sweaters, s1.98 belt loops und Bide buckles. 29 to 4J waist measure. Boys' $4.50 Suits, $2.89 Blue serge, also brown and gray mixtures and plaids. Norfolks and Balkan styles; peg-top bloomers.

Sizes 7 to 16 years. Children's $1.50 $1.75 Shoes, 98c Gun-metal calf and patent colt Ekln; broad toes. Sizes 6 to 11. Each sweater trade-marked with storm shoes; various heels, bizes 2J2 to 8. neavv the famous Mills are ready to supply that need! Here are wide assortments of the prettiest styles and richest materials Including every color that you could think of.

A Special Sale Today brand. and shawl col styles Variety of lar. Sturdy working All. have pockets, colors and sizes. $1 Combinations i at 69c Nainsook, with lace, embroidery and SATURDAY IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT IN For the Little Folks Combs Jewelry 3.98 Silk Petticoats, $2.69 One Sketched.

Messaline and crepe de chine in black and colors, with deep plaited and sectional plaited flounces. Latest Styles, Specially oves $2.50 "Winslow" Roller Skates, $1.25 Adjustable steel extension top foot plate truss bridge construction base with self-contained ball-bearing rollers, resting on solid rubber bumpers. Leather cup heel and clamp" toe. And we meet the demand with ome very special values in glove of hilth reputation. $8 Silk Petticoats, $4.98 Of puss* willow taffeta in black, wistaria, srreen and blue, with dainty plaited flounces.

mi Yttm If $1.50 to $2.50 La Casque Sansjene, Ultra-fashionable cortibs that lend greater chic to the newest coiffures. Demi-blonde in carved and jeweled effects; others in large variety. Also Eicellent Assortment at 50c to $4.98 Infants' Shoes: Sizes 1 to 42 hand-turned white oak soles; also the new Oorseto shoe for weak ankles, 98c, S1.25. $1.50 Children's Shoe: Sizes 1 to 8, hand-turned soles, wedge heels, right lasts for growing feet, $1.55, $1.50, SLIs Misses' Shoes: "Welted and flexible ew-edoak soles, $1.39, fl.59, $1.98, $2.73 Children's Shoes: Sizes to 11, welted and flexible sewed oak soles, $1.29, $1.89, $L75, $1.98, $2.25 $2.75. Boys' Shoes; Sizes 1 to welted and stitched oak soles, $1.98, $2.50, $3 $3.50.

i WW $4 $5 Extra-Size Petticoats, $2.98 $3.93 Messaline in black, ebangeables and plain colors; plaited flounces. Women's $1.50 Gloves JL Two-clasp, in genuine French kid Paris point and flat embroidered backs. Black, white and colors; also black-with-white and white-with-black backs. Women's Misses' $13 Serge Suits, $9.50 Smart styles in navy blue and black. Coats lined to waist.

Newest skirts. Women's $4 Skirts, $2.49 Plain or diagonal serge smart, well fitting models. Boys' 50c Underwear, Each, 25c 29c Kstra-heavy, fleece-lined shirts and drawers: natural color. Sizes 24 to SO, 23e; 32 to 34, 29c. 25c Seamless Silk Stockings, Wic Women's black only: double toe and heel; cotton tops.

Maker's imperfections. Men's $1.50 Soft Hats, $1 Newest styles and shades in fur felt; some with contrasting bands. Nemo Corsets, $2 Coutil; graduating front clasp; long skirt; medium bust. $1 P. N.

Corsets, 75c Medium bust two good models. Two sets of supporters. Sizes IS to 30. $1.50 Waists, 98c All-over embroidered voile; long eleeves $1.50 $2 Extra-Size Petticoats, 98c $1.49 Black satine, plaited and tailored flounces rTUTWDlUmCI tNQ Economically Men's $2.75 Gunning Coats, $1.98 Heayy grade olive drab duck cut big and full, both side and game pockets. Large corduroy All sizes.

automobile accessories $5 Electric Push Button Auto Horn, $3.50 Sold under a three-year guarantee. OpereJes on six dry cells or storage battery. Has loud, clear, penetrating warning, complete with 12-ft. cable and special type steering-rod push button. All finishes.

$1 Genuine Spark Plugs, 39c Mi pr Ts-inch size. Guaranteed. $3 Lap Robes, $1.98 Heavy, warm, full rfze robes. Third Floor from the commercial side the Exposition becomes more important than said the president. The Mayor telegraphed his reply, assuring Mr.

Moore that he would do all in his power to deny the rumors of- postponement. FEW REALTY PROTESTS Property Owners as a Rule Accept New Assessments Few protests were registered yestei day by owners of property in the Eleventh, "Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and a portion of the Twentieth wards against the proposed increase of realty values in these districts by the assessors. The new structures at the southeast: corner of Tenth and Berks street and the northeast corner of Tenth street and Montgomery avenue have been assessed as completed buildings and will as a consequence add about Jl.000,000 to the value of realty in the Twentieta ward. In the other wards few improvement i have been made. One of the most notable is a warehouse at Orianna and Vine streets, which has been, assessed at for next year.

The owner protested that the valuation Mas too high, but the assessors adhered firmly to that amount. In the Thirtieth ward conditions similar to that in the Twentieth in an invasion of small stores has taken place with resultant increases, while in that portion of the Fourteenth ward on the east side of Broad street, from Vine to Poplar, there were few increases made in values, this section having undergone a rise two years ago. Mens Women's Cape Gloves, $1.50 One-clap best American make, imnorted skins. Come in tan jnujUMiuuLtL.MH0: Priced Velvet Neck Bands, 50c 98c With rhinestone and pearl ornaments. udlZ German Silver lags, $3.50 $.98 Hen's $3.50 and $4 Shoes, $2.65 Tatent coltskin, gun-metal and tan Russia calf; button, Blucher and lace styles.

Sizes 5 to 11. and white. Guaranteed washable. Misses' Boys' $1.50 Nainsook Combinations, 98c Like Cut and Others. Trimmed with vaL and shadow laces, embroidery and ribbon.

75c Nainsook Corset Covers, 49c One Sketched. Several styles trimmed with lace and' embroidery, beading and ribbon. 1 $1.25 Cape Gloves. Fine ring- mesh of reversible mesh, with new narrow frames; fitted with vanity box. First Floor.

8th Market Sts. Little Gents' Shoes: Sizes 0 to 13Vi welted and stitched oak soles, button and Blucher styles. $1.50, $1.65, $1.98, 52.50 $275 FIRST FLOOR. NORTH One-clasp tan. white and black.

All sizes. FIRST FLOOK, STII ST. SIDE SECOND FLOOR and sailor collar. IT BROTHERS LIT BROTHERS, i VISIT OCR BIO RESTAURANT BEST OF EVERYTHING AT-LOWEST PRICES FIFTH FLOOR i to July, 1902, were members of the firm of Waite, Thorburn and Company, grain 'JUS. A.

PATTEN SUED FOREST FIRES CHECKE AWARD SPECIAL PRIZES 10,150 FRAZER'S LEAD, 2 IN CONSPIRACY COUNTIES LACKING CUMBERLAND VALLEY AS" Ml SHOW ENDS the Pine Grove furnace reservation, one I of the largest in Southern Pennsylvania. Plan Arrest of Negligent Hunters Special to The Inquirer. READING, Nov. 6. As a result of investigations made by officers of the Berks County Conservation Association and representatives of the District Attorney's office, a number of hunters will; probably be arrested on the charge of wilfully starting fires in the forest and fields of the county.

During the past two weeks it is estimated that 5000 acres have been burned over in uumiiijesiun mercnants L-nicago, ana members of the Chicago Board of Trade. They demand $300,000 representing triple damages for the loss of $100,000 they claim they suffered. Earned as defendants with Patten are William H. Bartlett, of New Mexico, and Frank P. Frazier.

of this city, who were members of the Chicago grain brokerage firm of Bartlett, Frazier and Company at the time of the alleged corner oats. Charged, Under Sherman Act, With Conspiring to Corner Oat Market in Restraint of Trade Vote for United States Senator Stands Penrose, Pinchot, 267,099, Palmer, 263,989 Hnudreds of Acres of Timber Land DevastatedGreat State Reserva-tio Was Menaced Annual Exhibition of Pennsylvania Horticultural. Society Attracts a Record-Breaking Attendance Silver medal awarded to Louis Burk for collection of orchids. Silver medal award to P. A.

B. Widener. William Kleinheinz, gardener, for display of orchids. SilTer medal awarded to George Vf. Chllds Trexel for new Bracaena Lonsrti.

Silrer medal awarded to H. S. Bets for artistic display of plants and window poxes. Silrer medal awarded to Stratford Flower Farms for Japanese Kaxrar. Silrer medal awarded to Thomas Meehan Sons for display hardy chrysanthemums and erergreens.

Certificate of merit awarded to E. G. HM Company. Richmond. for new chrysanthemum.

White Chieftan. Certificate of merit awarded to C. Hartman Kuhn. Hugh Smith, gardener, for new chrysanthemum. Sport, from Morton Plant.

Silver medal awarded ot W. Atlee Burpee Co. for sending Gladiell Forhook Hybrid. Certificate of merit awarded to E. C.

Hill Company for new rose. Hoosier Beauty. Silrer medal awarde dto WUliam Tricker for new Nymphea. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson.

Certificate of merit awarded to Robert Craig Company for new chrysanthemum. Enchantress. Certificate of merit for culture awarded to J. Welsh Younsr for rose. Lady Alice Stanley and My Maryland.

Cerctiflcate of merit for culture awarded to Joseph Heaeock Company. Philadelphia, for roses. Radiance Killarney and White Killar- BIG AWARD AGAINST TRUST Escapes After Running Down Man Alighting from a milk wagon at Ash-burner and Cottage streets. Holmesburr, yesterday, Jerome Burchett, 30 years old, the driver, of 4810 Willow street, was struck by a bicycle. He was taken to the Frankford Hospital suffering from a fractured skull.

His coidition is serious. The cyclist escaped after running down Burchett and the police of the Ta-cony station declared that they obtained his description and expect to make an arrest. NEW YORK, Nov. 6 James A. Patten, Chicago grain deader, is named among defendants in a Sherman law mit tiled in the United States District Court here today, charging Patten and others with having restrained trade by cornering the market in certain grades cf oats in July, 1002.

The complaint charges that the defendants, through a conspiracy," purchased on the Chicago Board of Trade upwards of 10,000,000 bushels of number one and number two white oata for July, 1902, delivery, in excess of the available or visible supply, and that "excessive, artificial and monopolistic prices" were charged for- oats -sold in the United States and shipped to foreign countries, which enabled the defendants to gain enormous profits. various parts of rural Berks. 4. Impress 200 Blaze Fighters. 7 Spccial to The Inquirer.

EASTON, Nov. 6. More than 200 men were impressed in service today by Fire Wardens of Northampton and Carbon counties to fight a forest fire devastating an area of five square miles between Lehigh Gap and Daniel sville. Buildings at Danielsville and Walnut-port were threatened by the flames today, but were saved by the fire fighters. The flames are thought to have been started by gunners.

Boy Scouts' Conquer Forest Fire IIAZLEON, Nov. 6. Forest -fires that threatened to envelop the Har-leigh breaker of the Harleigh-Brook-wood Coal Company in their sweep were extinguished after a hard fight byfHazle- With the, awarding of a number. of special prizes and the largest attendance of any of four days that it had been open, the annual exhibition of the Penn-; sylvania Horticultural Society at Horticultural Hall was concluded last night. The final awards made yesterday were the most coveted of the prizes offered by the society and their distribution was eagerly awaited.

The awards ad their recipients were as follows: Coolkenny Cup For the best chrysanthemum plants in the exhibition Awarded to Mrs. Thomas 1 Hunter, Joseph Hurley, pardoner. Cedtittcate of merit awarded to Alfonso Peri-eat for a new Flcue. Silver medal awarded to Robert Craig Company for collection of new and rare Crotons and Dracaenaeg. Silrer medal awarded to Louis Burt for rare Antnuiium.

medal awarded to George W. Chllds Drexel for new and rsre Palm Ortostaehvs Returns received last night from all but two counties in the State show that Judge Robert S. iFrazer. of Pittsburgh, has a lead of 10,150 over Judge George of Harrisburg, for Supreme Court Judge. The missimr counties are Bradford and Clearfield.

The revised totals were: Frazer, 375,591. Kunkel, 365,441. The vote for United States Senator now stands: Palmer, 263,989. Pinchot, 267,099. Penrose, 510,453.

For McCormick, 439,606 r- HARRISBURG, Nov. 6. Seven forest fires, some of them which have already covered hundreds of acres of timberland in the Cumberland Valle3', are reported checked. Constables of a third of the ownshipe in Cumberland county have forces in the woods fighting the flames. The fires advanced close to farms in the vicinity of Mt.

Holly, Berling Springs, Dillsburg and Enola and destroyed much valuable timber in the vicinity of Gap. Fires are also reported today from portions of York, Franklin and Perry counties. State Forestry JDepartment officials say that very few fires have been reported from State reserves although one of the Cumberland fires is. not from Pittsburgh Firm to Get $25,962 From Seagreen Slate Monopoly ALBANY, N. Nov.

6. What are 6aid to be the first substantial judgments for triple damages entered in the United States under the Sherman antitrust law were awarded today by Judge George V. Ray, of the Federal Court, against firms constituting the American Seagreen Slate Company, of Granville. The judgments, aggregating $25,962.49, were awarded the firm of O'Halloran and Jacobs, of Pittsburgh, on the finding of the court that "the defendants violated the Sherman act in the formation of a combination to restrain and to monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, the interstate trade in Eeagreen Blate." This material constitutes approximately ninety per cent, of the roofing elate rroduccdhiu Man Killed by Train Struck bv a northbound Chestnut Hill train on the Philadelphia and Reading Railway at Wingohocking Etation last night an unidentified man about 35 years old was instantly killed. After it had been Fronounced dead at the Germantowu lospital the body was removed to the Morgue.

The man was feet 7 inches in height and weighed about 130 He wore a dark gray suit. On his right Urges Bigger Army and Navy SOUTH HADLEY. Nov. 6. An increase in the army and navy was strongly advocated today by former President Taft, who spoke at Founder's Day exercises at Mount Holyoke College.

He urged also the need of more highly, trained officers. arm was tattooed an anchor and beneattti The nlaintiifs are Charles Waite. of it 'U. S. S.

Connecticut. A pawn tki 'bicago, and Robert Henry Thorburn, 3f this citVj who from January, lSVi, ct ia bis yocket bore tha jienj Seott. ton lroop rso. 1. qt the tloy scouts.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.