Paradise in the Shadows - tinykisses (2024)

“Promise me you’ll be safe, promise me you’ll come back.” Nocturne’s voice whispered into the silence, the tiefling’s hand intertwined with her lovers. She could hear the sound of the earth gently moving as Shadowheart turned to look at her, she doesn’t say anything at first. Shadowheart reaches out her other hand coaxing Nocturne to lean towards her touch. Shadowhearts hands softly caress her purple locks of hair brushing them to the side before settling on that spot in between where her horns connect. Nocturne finally gathers the resolve to return her gaze.

Sweet Shadowheart. How would she be able to go on without her if something were to happen?

“I promise. I will not fail our Dark Lady.” Shadowheart’s voice is quiet but determined. “But if I must sacrifice myself for the success of the mission you know you can find comfort in knowing I will be in her dark embrace.”

That’s not what Nocturne meant, not what she wanted to hear. She studies Shadowheart’s face once more, memorizing her features. Her beautiful green eyes that always reflect such gentleness. Her long hair as dark as the night itself, tidy in her braid thanks to Nocturnes trained hands. Her scarred skin, proof of the hardships and work their training can inflict on the body. The soft light of the night orchids giving her such a radiant glow to her fair skin. My, she is beautiful

Nocturnes lips formed a sad smile. She’s heard the rumors spreading among the others, so much for honoring secrecy. Their Mother Superior Vicona is deploying her along with a few others on a suicide mission. But why her? Why is it always Shadow? Her memories will be wiped for the sake of the mission, forgetting Nocturne again.

I should say something, I should let her know. “You don’t have to go! Please don’t leave me!” But Nocturne can’t find the strength to say her words out loud. Instead Shadowheart speaks.

“This mission could be my chance, maybe our Mother may finally realize my potential if I succeed. It wouldn’t be out of place for me to ask again to undergo the trials. Finally, I could be allowed to go through to prove my worth to our Dark Lady and become a Dark Justiciar with her blessing.” There…the reason why Nocturne can't beg for her to stay. Shadowheart’s one true dream of becoming a Dark Justiciar. She can’t take that away from her, it is not her place to. Nocturne must trust in their Lady Shar. No one in this cloister is more deserving than Shadow. Lady Shar doesn’t punish without reason, doesn’t take without reason, doesn’t reward without reason. Unlike Vicona. This could be her chance to prove herself worthy.

Nocturne swallows down the knot forming in her throat, she must cherish her tonight. With a smirk hiding the pain in her heart Nocturne locks eyes with Shadowheart. “Well don’t fail then.” Nocturne mocks.

“I don’t plan to.” Shadowheart mocks back. Their soft giggles gently echo in their hidden sanctuary. Nocturne leans in, closing her eyes. Shadowheart meets her halfway with their lips joining. Slow and tender they kiss. One final night, before it is erased tomorrow morn.

Nocturne’s heart drums in her chest as the commotion rings in her ears and everyone is scrambling. Shadowheart was still alive and she was not alone. Nocturne had just been tidying the dormitories, when everyone began to arm themselves and prepare for intruders. If this was going to be a battle, she needed to be ready to fight for her life should the worst of the rumors be true: Shadowheart was on a war path and prepared to scorch earth. She could hear Mother Superior Vicona announce to the chamber they were welcoming home a traitor to stand trial. Nocturne left the door slightly open for her to gauge the situation, she would shut it immediately if it turned brutal fast to keep the element of surprise in her favor.

The first to walkthrough was an unfamiliar white Dragonborn in a sorcerer’s armor. Practically soaked in blood, no doubt from their guards, their red cloak was a wildly striking contrast to their shimmering white scales. Nocturne’s hand trembled at the sight of him. His eyes were a crimson red, practically glowing unnaturally like the ones of a monster with the dim lighting. His presence was causing alarm bells to go off in Nocturne’s mind. He seemed unimpressed, no doubt he must have fought his way here and yet not a scratch on him. His eyes locked directly with Nocturne’s and she winced at his stare, startled he spotted her so quickly. But it lasted only for a moment before sweeping over everyone else inside the chamber. Was he counting?

After him, was Shadowheart. Nocturne couldn't suppress the relieved smile that formed on her lips. She’s retuned at last safe and sound! This time there was a difference to her. Her eyes were steeled, transfixed on Vicona. She had a spear in hand that radiated with darkness, baptized by the sacrifice of the own moon witches daughter’s blood. Shadowheart had done it! She had been blessed by their Dark Lady. Nocturne and the other followers listened to Shadowhearts words as she recited her journey. Their Mother Superior had been straying from the proper path, displeasing the Nightsinger and her punishment was long overdue by Shar’s new righteous hand, Shadowheart.

When it was all said and done, Vicona was defeated and Shadowheart went to have her audience with Lady Shar at her Chamber. Her companions followed along behind Shadowheart before she turned to have a word. It didn’t seem like she wanted them to come with her. Her two other companions shrugged and stayed behind. The dragonborn, Shadowheart exchanged some words with and after a tight nod he accompanied her closely. Clearly she wanted him by her side for this meeting.

As the other Sharron members dragged the bodies of the heretics to be discarded, Nocturne looked at the two companions that had stayed behind. A rouge-ish pale elf who was quite the archer and a wizard. Powerful allies indeed. Did they aid Shadowheart in her mission? How did she even manage to rope three adventurers, not even Sharron’s, to assist her? In interesting story to find out about no doubt.

The clicking of the doors marked their return. Shadowheart’s eyes looked around with renewed vigor as they emerged. “I’ll want us to stay for a short while if that’s alright. I’ll look over our resources and see what we can use to complete our mission.” She finally felt at home. She looked to Durge with warm eyes and a warmer smile, she was very pleased with the turn of events. He had kept his word, just like how he promised he would.

He looked at her with amusem*nt, clearly there was something he had left unsaid within the chambers. When she had finally pleased her Lady and regained most of her memories, removing all that would make her weak and compromise her servitude, he spoke his words carefully. Do you know who those people were? The meager sacrifices? No, of course not. Do you know who I am, do you recognize me? With a smile Shadowheart realized she did in fact keep every tender and intimate memory of him. Perhaps this was Shar’s way of giving Shadowheart an unspoken blessing to continue her path with him? He smiled like a child, clearly pleased with the news. Seemed that was good enough for him.

Oh, how Shadowheart felt so blessed to have Shar’s favor and love. She also felt blessed to have Durge for that matter, a lover who knew patience. They had spoken countless times of the potential their relationship could go whenever they found a quiet night during their travels. While she always reminded him of her duty to her faith, to Shar, he would not budge. He was smitten with her… in love. A word she made him promise to never utter out loud, for she could only have love for her Lady. In truth Shadowheart feared the thought of losing him and have her memories taken of him.

Durge would take any tiny scrap or morsel she could offer, but refused to let her go, insistent on staying by her side as long as he could. Now back at Baldur’s Gate it was only fair to find out more about his past too, his seemingly insatiable greed for blood. He might still have a lover, a family even! But for now, what is forgotten should stay so until rediscovered, Shadowheart quietly hoped. There was still the issue with the tadpoles and until that was resolved they still had time… didn’t they?

Nocturne folded her hands patiently as Shadowheart approached the quarters clearly looking for her. To her surprise she realized the white Dragonborn companion wasn’t covered in blood at all. Now being able to see him up closer, she could see he had crimson blood-colored scales as an accent running down his throat and no doubt running further down. Quite the unusual sight. Good to know he wasn’t actually going to track blood everywhere she supposed. He always walked in line with Shadowheart, either leading their path or following close. Perhaps he was a hired mercenary acting as her guard? His eyes caught hold of some of their medical instruments. A twitch of his hand and he stepped closer to look.

The Pale elf accompanying Shadow also had red eyes but were far more kind than the dragonborn. He seemed simultaneously intrigued and bored. He picked up one of their bottles of wine, reading the label and gave an unimpressed hum. The wizard seemed to always have a co*cky smile, as he looked through his eyes immediately going to their bookshelves. “Fascinating.” He said to no one in particular but himself and made his steps toward their collection.

“Shadowheart! I can still scarcely believe it. You’ve returned, and become our new Mother Superior. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever lay eyes on you again, it’s me. Do you remember?” Nocturne could see it. The hard stare Shadowheart would give when she forgot her, trying to decide if she was speaking truth or trick. She had held a glimmer of hope, that perhaps with Vicona gone this time might have turned out differently. Perhaps this time, Shadowheart would have her memories completely restored.

“Remind me.” She said coldly. Uncaringly.

Her cold tone never got easier to hear. It met her ears with a sting. “We…we trained together. We used to be close? I’m glad you’re alright.” Nocturne noticed the attention of the pale elf was on them now. His head was co*cked as if he was still reading the label on the bottle. There weren’t even that many words! But the slight tilt of his head to get his ears lined up to eaves drop on the pair was subtle, it would not go unnoticed to a trained Sharron in these halls.

“I don’t remember you.” Shadowheart’s expression softened a little. Sympathy. Her eyes lit up with some hope. “But I wish to know more. There must be all sort of things you can tell me. Little things from my past, lost to Lady Shar’s embrace.”

“If you wish it of me… of course my Lady. I work as the quartermaster.” Nocturne recounted the story of Nibbles, reminded her of her love of animals, the fight where she acquired that scar on her elbow. Nocturne was returning back little by little what Shadowheart forgot. Next, she’ll expect a little more from her.

”Anything else?” Shadowheart pressed. Her tone a familiar one, the unspoken question.And how did you end up fitting into all this? Into my life, with my loyalty?“Just small things, silly things… the sort you’d scarcely recall even if your memories were left intact.” Nocturne alluded to her unspoken name, but knowing Shadowheart, she wouldn’t want to hear more. “You had a little hiding place that you went to when you needed to get away- you brought me there sometimes. We’d talk, play, read, do each other’s hair...” Nocturne planted the seed in Shadowheart, reminding her of the little paradise she found. Shar’s paradise in the shadows of her shadows.

Nocturne was too busy going through the motions of laying the foundation of Shadowheart’s memories to notice Astarion slowly move towards Durge. The vampire was catching what the tiefling was saying. He knew the art of seduction, and while Nocturne was being genuine, he couldn’t help himself to not give this situation a bit of spice. Besides, his bloody scaly friend would want to know!

Pretending to show Durge the bottle, the Dragonborn raised a brow. Astarion knew he was too close to his personal space, but quite frankly he didn’t care. “Well don’t look now my favorite bloody friend, but it looks like your little Shadowheart is quite the minx indeed. From the sounds of it, looks like she has a forgotten little girlfriend that was waiting for her. Wouldn’t have guessed with that haircut, but to each their own.” Astarion whispered devilishly. And with that the entertainment for tonight was underway. A favor to his friend, fiends need to look after fellow fiends after all.

The dragonborn’s hand froze with the scalpel he had been playing with, as he listened to Astarion’s words. Durge had ignored the girl when they walked in. Shadowheart was the one who needed to speak with the quartermaster. It didn’t occur to him it could be about friendly business. He stole a glance at the tiefling and his blood began to boil. Astarion was right, there was something there. He could see it in the tiefling’s eyes. The fondness, the love. He placed the scalpel back down neatly. He wouldn’t need it to nip this in the bud… for now.

“Perhaps, we can talk sometime later, if you wish.” Nocturne offered with a hopeful inviting smile. “Catch up with your oldfriend?

“Did I hear right my sweet? You had a friend?” His voice was deep and rumbly, typical of dragonborn males. He wore a smile on his lips, a mask to hide his growing jealousy and anger towards the unfamiliar tiefling.

The hair stood on the end of Nocturnes neck at his approach. This feeling… her heart began to beat at a rapid pace as if she was in danger. The blood red eyes of the dragonborn transfixed to Nocturne like a calculating predator. Measuring her… challenging her? His footsteps alarmingly quite as he sauntered to the pair his scorpion tipped tail swaying in curiosity.

She couldn’t stand holding his piercing gaze, and shifted to the pale companion. The vampire was not even attempting to hide his amused grin. Like a child who tattled The wizard flicked his eyes for a moment before rolling them, lightly shaking his head resuming to his book. Apparently, he couldn’t be bothered with the drama. Her eyes fell to Shadowheart. Her sweet Shadow, was turned away looking up at the dragonborn with the warmest smile. She held her hand ever so slightly to him, inviting him to hold it. Nocturne felt her heart grow heavy and yet, also hollow.

The Dragonborn let his hand fall to Shadowheart’s hip instead, pulling her close. She leaned a little of her weight to him without a second thought. Her eyes transfixed to him, like he meant the world to her.

“Well met, friend of my Heart.” He gave a stiff tilt of his head in a gesture of hello. “Darling, why not introduce us?” Seeing the two together, he was a good chunk taller than Shadowheart. Most dragonborn’s could tower easily over the average person, Nocturne's stomach knotted in disgust as she could feel the smugness radiate from him like spoiled eggs.

Shadowheart made a small amused noise, but obeyed him, nonetheless. “Nocturne, this is my … companion Durge. I wouldn’t have been able to come back if it wasn’t for him. He saved my life numerous times on my mission and brought me back home; I owe him everything.” She spoke her words with pride. She looked up to him with hooded eyes, a flirtatious smile firmly fixed on her face. “Durge this is Nocturne, a childhood friend. Also, the current quartermaster to my cloister. She was just telling me something’s about myself.” Shadowheart stated matter-of-factly. A childhood friend. Nocturne but had been more than just a mere friend. So much more. She could feel his flaming stare boring into her skull, he had picked up undoubtedly on Shadowheart was still unable to remember. Nocturne could do nothing but nod slowly, feeling suffocated by his unblinking stare.

“Shar let you keep your memories of me but didn’t return memories of her to you?” His head tilted slightly to the right but refused to seize staring at the tiefling. A quiet amused hum escaping his throat as he watched Nocturne flinch at the sting of his words. His mind was ticking, thinking… what should he do? He let out a small sigh, his eyes meeting Shadowheart’s with a deceptively soft gaze. “I didn’t see her amongst your supporters fighting Vicona, are you sure you can trust her.” His tone was steady, as he lined it with concern. Truth be told he was jealous, and that made him want to cut. This little girlfriend of his Shadowheart has to be kept away. Whatever happened in her past. Well, it needs to stay there or be buried. Literately, if it’s what it takes.

“Perhaps, but I called to her as a friend once, that has to count for something. Besides dont be ridiculous, when have you ever known me to trust so easily? You of all people should know.” Shadowheart’s tone had a playful bite. Nocturne needed out of the situation. “It’s getting quite late my Lady! You and your friends have had quite the battle today, should I show you to your new quarters?” She masked her voice with a fake tone of peppiness. She has seen and heard enough for today. Whatever game the dragonborn was playing at, Nocturne was going to have none of it.

“No that wont be necessary. That I do remember where it is, come Gale! Astarion! Make sure you go outside if you need to feed on anything. I won’t have you sampling on anyone in my home.” Shadowheart turned with Durge to her other two companions. Now that Nocturne had mentioned it, Shadowheart realized her body was beginning to burn with ache. She tried stretching her neck and caught eyes with Durge. Well, there are numerous ways to ease an ache.

Me sampling? Ha, ha! That’s rich. Who knew you just needed to get everything you ever wanted to finally grow a sense of humor? No need to fret, I promise the only thing I will be sampling is the wine!” Astarion gave a hidden wink behind Shadowheart’s back to Durge.

“Did you know Astarion, that the wine here is actually dosed with a high concentration of contraceptive ingredients! A common side effect to those with allergies could lead to sterility and high fever. Never thought to use these ingredients for such purposes. A bit of a shameful waste.” Gale read aloud as he followed along.

Astarion shot him an unamused look. “Me? Without children? Oh. Noo whatever shall I do?” Astarion rolled his eyes, uncorking it and drinking straight from the bottle.

“Hmm, even some deaths have been recorded.” Gale finished, closing the book with a small thump.

“PFFFT!!” Astarion spat out the drink. “WHY IS IT ALWAYS DEATH? Why do that to ANY wine no matter how vile??” He coughed pounding his chest, annoyed at the information. The dragonborn stole one last glance at Nocturne, a sick smile crawling on his lips. His arrogance was shown if only for a moment as he stole a small nuzzle from Shadowheart before exiting the room.

Nocturne’s body finally relaxed. Her legs gave out like a newborn foal. She hadn’t realized all the tension she had been holding and felt like she could finally breathe. Her mind was numb and fumbling trying to figure out what just happened, all she could do was hug herself, biting her lip.

Why…? Why didn’t Shadowheart remember? Vicona was gone now! Why didn’t Lady Shar restore her memories? No matter. Nocturne knows how to bring them back, maybe Shadowheart was counting on it but… the dragonborn. This.. Durge. He was pure evil. She could feel it in his presence. More than likely Shadowheart will want to be alone tonight, she always grew tired in a crowd. She had to get to the bottom of what he meant to Shadow, and keep her safe... somehow away from him. When the cloister falls silent she will go to their secret place, she will meet her there. This was a task of patience but for now, she needed some sleep too.

“Astarion, a favor.” Durge was still feeling heated from the revelation of his darlings forgotten lover. They would stay for a day or so for Shadowheart to collect intel, but if this tiefling was such an instrumental part of Shadowheart’s past and the quartermaster, he had to find out a way to avoid them getting close. Shar had left their memories intact, if this wasn’t the proof she gave them her blessing, then why would the Nightsinger make such a grave miscalculation. And he was set on fully exploiting his advantage while he had the upper hand. Who knew what tricks this Nocturne had up her sleeve.

”A favor, my delicious friend? You need only ask.” Astarion bowed his head. It was nice to see the once smug vampire return some respect occasionally, but Durge knew it was always at a price.

“What bottles of wine did you pilfer earlier, anything good?” Durge knew Astarion had his own stash. Astarion, Gale, and Shadowheart frequently would sip in the evenings by the campfire with idle chatter. He didn’t care to partake much, his throbbing headache not tolerating more than a taste lest it hammer in his cranium if he were to indulge. It would put Gale to sleep, quench Astarion if he couldn’t feed, and invigorate Shadowheart to visit his tent and satiate her othertastes.

”Anything good? Ha, ha, no! But if it’s wine you want, I could have something better.” Astarion teased. Durge gave an uninterested grunt, the slow reverberation of his subvocals indicated he wasn’t asking for any alternatives. “Okay, fine! Any particular Sharran vintage you would like though I can’t imagine why you are insisting.” Astarion put coyly.

”The one Shadowheart likes.” Durge replied flatly. He needed to be patient, Astarion just wanted to have his fun at his expense. “Oh, I know the one! And I do have it!” Astarion vanished into his tent in a blink, the telling sounds as he rustled through the different glass bottles as he looked. He finally emerged having procured the correct bottle and showcasing it with a flourish.

“I recommend this year. Frankly, I never understood why she cared for it, but seeing this place absolutely brimming with them, I supposed that makes sense. The poor thing had no chance to develop good taste. Still, it’s not easy to find, unless you’re here… I guess. Which reminds me, the first favor was a gift my bloody friend. Think nothing of it! But for this bottle of wine however…”. The point of Durge’s tail began to tap the ground impatiently. “Red wine, for red wine? I’ll let you feed on me tomorrow night.” He growled. “Tomorrownight? How generous of you! You didn’t have to but since you offered… It’s a date!” Astarion finally released the bottle to Durge with a playful smirk. “Have fun on yours tonight, friend. Happy hunting!”

Durge waved off Astarion, taking the bottle and leaving the rooms they were staying. He had reluctantly agreed he would stay with Gale and Astarion. It wouldn’t do for the new Mother Superior of Shar’s temple to be seen sharing her bed with the adventurer who helped her usurp power on the first night of her return. Durge respected her wishes, he’ll make sure he isn’t seen.

A delighted smile formed on his lips. Let’s see how sharp these Sharran’s really are. He could have taken a potion of invisibility to make his way to her chambers, but there’s no fun in that. His steps were quiet, along the halls he almost wanted to let out a whistle just to see if he could lure a bite.He peered into the next room, it looks like this was a library. In the shadows a meek Sharron was reading alone with a single candle lit. There, the perfect sacrifice to ensure a good night. The glint of his dagger flashed across the dimly lit room, and the candle was snuffed. The shadows concealing his deed and the boon of his Deathstalker’s Mantle, concealing him.

Nocturne’s eyes fluttered open with a groan, rubbing away the sleep. The temple has grown quiet as most of the inhabitants turned in, but underneath the House of Grief there were always people in all hours. Should she go to Shadowheart’s quarters first? It wouldn’t be out of the place for her to check in on their Lady. If she wasn’t there, she knew where to find her. No, she would head to their little paradise. Shadowheart was staying in the Mother Superiors quarters alone. She needn’t worry about Durge, for now.

Durge retraced his steps back to where he had left Shadowheart. As he approached her hallway he saw she was already outside. The guards were propped up along the wall, clearly under the influence of a sleep charm. Durge stopped to observe Shadowheart. She closed and locked her bedchambers before quietly looking around. What was she doing? Convinced she was alone, Shadowheart began to walk away. Where was she going? Durge was intent on finding out. He followed behind her, staying a safe distance to ensure he remained undetected.

Nocturne was immersed in the darkness, waiting for Shadowheart to show up. A smile formed on her lips as she began to recall a moment once, before she was even Nocturne. She had cried her tears into this very pond afraid, ashamed, of being so weak. That was the first time Shadowheart kissed her. “You are not weak; you are the strongest person I know. Many of us don’t know who we are or can’t even remember half of us. You’ve done what none of us could. You found yourself, don’t ever let it go. For anyone.”

“How beautiful.” Shadowhearts whispered voice echoed softly, breaking Nocturne from her memory. She was here. She looked around the grove, the night orchids! Perhaps this was the reason for her favor of the flower. They grew along here, or maybe she planted them? There were items strewn about. The collection of books Nocturne spoke of and a small pond. It was the perfect size to peer into for meditation. This place had been Shadowheart’s hide away. A secret place she had forgotten.

Shadowheart sat on the small patch of ground surrounded by the grass. She must have sat here often and rolled around to have created this patch. Maybe even paced. She looked at one of the books, a generous coat of dust on the cover. A cliché romance novel about star-crossed lovers? Surely, she didn’t like these kind of stories! As she flipped through the worn book she wished she had brought a wine. Nocturne took a deep breath preparing herself, enough dilly-dallying she had to go to her.

Before Nocturne could move a loud creak echoed in the chamber making the both of them jump. "Who's there?" Shadowheart looked towards the sound of the noise, standing up trying to peer at who was climbing the ladder. Durge, practically emerged from the shadows. His red cloak now hanging on his arm. He was shirtless only wearing a light black trouser. His brilliant white scales reflecting the glow from the bioluminescent cave and night orchids. The damn bastard was pretty well muscled too despite being a sorcerer.

He seemed ethereal. His tail swaying with every step he took. There was a pilfered bottle in one hand and two goblets in the other. "It's only me my sweet. I went to find you at your bed but alas, you weren't there. I was just checking to make sure nothing’s wrong." He spoke softly near Shadowheart, his rumbling voice being tempered so he his words ended with a slight purr.

"Well hello lover~" Shadowheart greeted. They meet face to face looking into each other's eyes for a moment. There must have been an invitation because Durge leaned in for a kiss pressing his rough lips to her soft ones. Shadowheart kissed back, cupping the side of his face with both her hands to keep him there, mindful not to poke herself with the various barbs that lined this jawline.

How Durge had missed her taste. He grew more and more obsessed by the day, his desire to have her itching at his skin. Itching in his blood. He wanted to mark her. Make her his and his alone. He tried to tease an invitation from her. His tongue, hotter than a humans, coming out to run languidly across her lips. She answered with a giggle and pulled away. Too fast. She wasn't in the mood, not yet.

“My, my aren’t you thirsty? Why don’t we crack open the bottle of wine first, it would be a shame to not enjoy it after you so thoughtfully brought it all the way here.” The teasing, the torture. Durge’s tail swished slowly, he liked these games. He looked like a love-struck school boy, unable to control the soft smile run across his face. Shadowheart examined the bottle and recognized it as her favorite prepared by her temple. “How did you know this was my favorite, or did you just take a lucky guess?” She sat back down patting the ground next to her for him to join her.

He obeyed sitting closely to her that their bodies touched. She took the opportunity to lean her weight on him. He poured her a glass first before pouring one himself. “Mind if we do a toast?” Shadowheart hummed swirling her wine, her eyes never leaving his face. “Well sure! What would you like to celebrate dear? There’s your promotion, victory in seizing your destiny perhaps?” Durge hummed holding out his glass to her.

“True, but I had a different idea in mind to celebrate that. Classic among those of us in Lady Shar’s service. You’re invited of course, just no plus one’s I’m afraid.” She gave a flirtatious smile. “Oh? Why wait? We’re alone, we could do it now.” He purred softly in her ear.

“Actually, I wanted to toast to you Durge.” Shadowheart looked far away, memories being replayed in her mind. “I keep thinking about you. About us. Our entire journey to get to this point felt perfect. Maybe because it’s the only memories I still have to remember, but I feel so blessed having met you. It’s almost as if it was Lady Shar’s plan all along to put you in my path. I think it goes without saying the feelings I have towards you…” Shadowheart trailed off. Her gaze was one of guilt. Durge leaned in closer giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, reassuring her. “I understand without saying… you know I feel the same. What has been troubling your mind my heart?” Durge kept his soft tone. She wanted to keep what is on her mind a secret, old habit no doubt, but he has earned the right to know. And Shadowheart knows he has an open mind and will listen.

“It’s just… so confusing. I feel like Lady Shar put me on this path since the day I was born. I have always felt tremendous love towards my Lady. We Sharran’s can only be allowed to love our Nightsinger. I’m not suppose to keep anything from her- ” Durge saw at how conflicted Shadowheart’s mind was, navigating her thoughts and reaching to explain. “When I stood in front of the mirror, I was afraid Durge. I-… I prayed for you. For us. I didn’t want her to take you from me… to see what you mean to me. To make me forget. But I also didn't want to throw everything I've worked toward away.” Shadowheart let out a deep breathe, trying to ease the weight in her chest.

She felt like they could only do this for so long, eventually he would grow impatient. He would grow resentment. That he would leave. And she would have to live knowing she may not be allowed to forget. “What would you have done, if I forgot. If I stared at you like any other stranger on the street.”

“Shadowheart…” Durge trailed off. He searched her face for any clue’s. Any indication of an answer she would prefer to hear. Her large green eyes studying him in return, awaiting his answer. “If you had forgotten me, then I would have let you be.” He put simply. She nodded her head, hand slightly shaking and took a gulp of her wine. “I know Shar is a part of you, she is your reason for everything. Without her and the mission she sent you in, we may never have crossed paths. Who am I to contest the will of your goddess? To selfishly tear you away from an embrace you worked so hard to achieve all your life, your purpose?” He placed a gentle finger beneath her chin, bringing her face up to look at him.

“Make no mistake I won’t say it… but because I promised you. That is all the reason I need.” With his thumb he caressed her cheek. “But, truth be told Shadowheart, that is not our predicament. I’ll be bold to say you’ve proven your undying loyalty to her, her love for you is so grand… she may be looking the other way at…us. Rules were meant to be bent, I distinctly remember a very alluring Sharran said to me once.” He poured more wine, refilling her glass.

Shadowheart’s smile returned to her face at his words. “Truly, where would I be without you?” Looking at him in this moment, goddess, he was handsome to her eyes. The warmth of the wine was doing it’s magic to Shadowheart, her face was no doubt flushed. Although it may also be in part because he had a way to make her blush. He looked up, feigning to be lost in thought. “Well since you do want to make this toast to me. We could toast to how I saved you on the Nautiloid. Then proceeded to be an upstarting citizen checked that you were alright as you laid unconscious on the beach-“

“Oh my! Okay, okay!” Shadowheart giggled. With everything he listed he added a finger keeping count. She leaned in pressing a kiss to his snout, trying to get him to stop. He chuckled into her kiss before wrapping an arm around, pulling her closer. A rumble escaping from his throat as he started to feel the fabric in his trousers become more constrained. Shadowheart and Durge left their glasses empty and forgotten. This time when his scorching tongue ran across her lips, her mouth parted as her own tongue coaxed his in invitation. Shadowheart considered herself an accomplished kisser, but she had to admit, there was no tongue quite like a dragonborn’s tongue. In between kissing she would suck on his prehensile tongue as it re-acquainted itself with her mouth, tugging a little of his bottom lip with her teeth. The taste of him combined with the wine becoming an instant favorite.

Teasing him, she squeezed as she ran her hand through the inner of his thigh, gently stroking him. She could feel as he squirmed underneath her touch. Her hand moved to his groin to find he was already emerging from his slit. So much for teasing him out this time around. A playful stroke up his groin, hitched his breath and his tongue thrashed in her mouth eager for more. She closed the distance between them and straddled his crotch. His eyes were ablaze with a painful yearning, shuddering as she broke off their kissing. She loved seeing him so wholeheartedly at her mercy.

She turned her attention to his body, caressing his muscled arms and planting a soft kiss, alternating between both. The texture of his scaled skin on her lips bringing goosebumps to Shadowheart. She gave them a small squeeze, feeling the firmness underneath her finger tips. He playfully flexed his muscles as his hands settled on her waist, earning a satisfied purr from her. She kissed his arm, tiny innocent little pecks as her hands slide through familiar paths.

She could be patient, he could not. With a devilish smirk he swiftly wrapped his arms around pressing her body to his and fell forward, leaving him now on top. He pressed his lips to hers to muffling as she breathed a delighted squeal from underneath. Sitting up, he took take her image all in. Her eyes were hooded, filled with desire. Desire for him. Her breath came out in slow pants making her breasts rise and fall, her skin beginning to glean with sweat, the wine at work. He cupped his hand to hold onto one of her breasts, his fingers hooking to the edge of her nightgown. It would be too easy for him to merely slide it off her shoulder, but he waited for her cue. He kneaded it slowly hoping to coax her nipple to harden so he could play with it while underneath the fabric. His claws pressing gently on her skin, never enough to break but to give her a little thrill.

The glow of the night orchids was definitely setting a mood. He pulled lightly on the fabric slipping it off her shoulders and letting it fall away down to reveal her ample breasts. My how he loved to see them free. Her legs parted to allow him to lay on her more comfortably, more naturally. He got to work, using his tongue to begin tasting her flesh. The salt of her sweat delectable. His tongue was hot to the touch on her sensitive skin as he ran his tongue slowly at her center in between her breast. He could practically feel her heart pounding in her chest on his tongue.

Shadowheart brought up a hand to cup the side of his face. “Come, don’t be shy now. I know you’re starving” She whispered playfully stroking his cheek. His eyes while still burning were looking to her with yearning. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. He nuzzled her breast carefully, the barbs lining his face gently scratching white lines on her skin. It was sweet to see him whenever he was feeling shy and gentle. His tongue flicked at her nipple bringing it to a stiff peak. Shadowheart kept her gaze at him, giving a small moan of approval. He continued this motion, adding gentle kisses to her breasts, letting his tongue trace circles. Her soft moans encouraging him to continue.

He carefully wrapped his mouth around, latching onto her with his lips. His tongue continued to lick at her nipple inside, but the heat of his mouth caused Shadowheart to let out a whimpering moan. Goosebumps danced across her skin, as Durge suckled and massaged her breasts. She could feel his teeth graze on her skin occasionally, heightening the sensation more. She stroked his forehead and followed it through one of his horns. Comforting him, soothing him. Just as she was starting to feel it was becoming a bit raw, he released her breast and trailed kisses across her chest to now give the same amount of attention to the other. Goddess. She could feel the warmth pooling in between her legs, his penis rubbing at her yearning c*nt through their remaining clothing.

Gods, she was perfect for him. He took in a deep breath, her fragrance and the night orchids mixing to soothe the headache he always carried. His tail, gently swaying contently as he nursed nothing but he found it oddly effective to calming him. With his head still resting on Shadowheart’s chest he looked up at her face, that's when he spotted her. Hiding among the stones across the small pond, Nocturne.His eye's instinctively narrowed, the sneaky little bitch. How long has she been there? Was she hopping to have caught Shadowheart alone? His blood began to boil inside his veins at her presence.

"Durge what's wrong?" Shadowheart worriedly tried to sit up and turn to see what Durge was focused on, her hand leaving his face. "N-no, it's nothing darling! Just shadows playing tricks on my eyes. Admiring the, uh, cave." He quickly holds her hand and plants it back onto his face, giving it a small squeeze. His façade goes up as he tries to think of something quickly. Nocturne knew of this place along with Shadowheart, but it seemed like Shadowheart wasn’t expecting her. He followed her here and didn’t see any other way in or out. Which means Nocturne was stuck here with them. A lurch at his hips gave rise to a new tingling sensation. A devilish smile grew on his face as his mind put together an idea. He wasn’t one for exhibitionism, or was he?

"Are shadows and rocks more alluring than who you have underneath you at the moment." Shadowheart huffed playfully, mocking insult. His eyes locked with Shadowheart contemplating quietly, perhaps he could have a bit of fun and stab a metaphorical knife in the irritating tiefling’s heart. “Never my sweet. Though perhaps I feel a reward is due, for all my good deeds? ” Durge got off Shadowheart, his prick standing to form a tent on his crotch. He sat down coolly as he left his legs open. Shadowheart raised a brow with a small amused smirk on her lips. This was new, and she thought he would be patient. “Well, where are my manners? A hero who has come to my aid so many times, certainly, needs to be compensated properly.” Shadowheart said flirtatiously.

She got closer, crawling on all fours. This time she planted a kiss on his throat her hand going to his covered prick. Another kiss, but now a little lower on his clavicle letting him know she was intent on continuing to keep moving down. She rubbed the head, starting to feel the moisture of his pre soaking through the surface of the fabric. “How awful of me to have forgotten to give you a proper heroes reward.” Her hand pulled at one of the laces on his trousers until the meager knot came undone. With the size of him, his prick quickly released standing taller, no longer being confined. He still wasn’t at his full size, but he could easily humiliate any human male without contest.

Shadowheart shuddered as she reached into his undergarment, feeling the softer skin of his prick. Almost velvety and smooth despite the minute scales that still covered it. She pulled it aside freeing his co*ck as it stood upright. She wouldn’t be surprised if he was a quite the specimen by dragonborn standards too but looking at his prick it seemed perfectly made for leaving any bedmate utterly satisfied, if they enjoyed rough tumbles. Not that she would ever say that to his face lest his ego get over-inflated. Luckily Shadowheart wouldn't want it any other way. She began to pump him lightly, feeling the ridges that lined his shaft and measuring his girth in her hand. His slit was swollen as the base still remained inside. Perhaps Shadowheart will remedy that. She placed her last kiss on the center of his abs, and looked up. He was watching her, transfixed. His nostrils flaring as he was breathing heavily, in anticipation.

She moved lower, inhaling what she could only describe as his sexual musk that permeated from his prick. She gingerly pulled at the lip of his slit and used her tongue to lick in between the fold and his prick. She could taste his sweated fluids, instead of it being salty it was more coopery in taste, sweet arguably. Like licking the iron of a blade. He exhaled sharply, letting a moan escape his throat. A hand patting her head. It has been a while since the last time she did this. She ran her tongue, tracing his fold and kissing near the bottom base of his, doing the same to the other side. The ecstasy he was feeling made it impossible for him to form words, let alone, say her name. He babbled syllables in moans until finally Shadowheart ran her tongue on the underside before enveloping the head with her mouth.

This time he gritted his teeth, trying to stomp down the building pressure of his ejacul*tion. He wasn’t going to let Shadowheart off the hook this easy. She still hasn’t realized it but they had an audience to entertain. She made a satisfied purr as she watched Durge squirm to regain his composure, with one hand she stroked his seed sack as she gently sucked making sure to evenly distribute her efforts. Her tongue tracing the underside of his head and pressing at the opening on his tip. The light taste of his pre occasionally coating her tongue.His tail thrashed, hitting the ground.

“Do you like that?” Shadowheart purred taking a small breath before resuming her bobbing. “Mmff.” He felt his blood pumping, making his heart race in bliss.Like when he would bask in the after glow of a murder. Closing his eyes shut to further indulge in the sensation. Shadowheart eyed him carefully, seeing his guard fading way as he started to drift somewhere. While normally she would give him his space, right now she needed him to pay attention. As she made her way down his shaft, an intrusive thought blinked into her mind. She gave a sneaky smile and bit down but not enough to even leave a mark. His eyes immediately flew open at the sudden pain on his delicate skin. He gnashed his teeth choking down a yelp and yet as he shuddered all of him had simultaneously popped out. Shadowhearts little bite had him feeling even more aroused.

He looked at her with narrowed eyes and she innocently kissed where she had bit. Her eyes daring him to act. So that’s how she was going to play. “Let’s return the favor shall we?” Durge grinned through gritted teeth. It was his turn to become the predator of this game. Shadowheart’s eyes widened with glee as she tried to crawl back away. “Goddess save me!” She giggled. He grabbed her ankles and yanked her back closer. With a swift swoop he finished removing her gown and thong. He stole a quick glance to Nocturne, making sure she was watching. The tiefling almost invisible by the enveloping shadows, she seemed to have a habit of watching from the sidelines. She looked petrified, like a cornered mouse. Good.

With a careful claw he rubbed her cl*t gently, pressing down in small circles, making sure not to excite her too quickly. With a mewl Shadowheart bit her lip. Her heartbeat quickening in pace as his mouth was suspiciously close to her c*nt. He decided he would toy with her too. He licked the cum that had been leaking from her c*nt from her inner thigh, getting a taste. She let a small moan escape. Durge started slowly, his tongue teasing her outer lips and folds. She squirmed as she tried to guide him to her opening. He knew where it was, he just wasn't ready to move on.

He continued to run his tongue, tracing circles around the opening, dodging her feeble attempts. She let out a guttural moan as her legs convulsed, he was keeping her at the edge and her nails dug into the earth. He wanted to hear her beg! Shadowheart whimpered as the heat of his tongue was so close, he had never toyed with her this long. He was waiting for something. Shadowheart could only take a guess. “Oh Durge, please!” She whimpered out, her legs pressing on either side of his head. “I’m so close, please!” She groaned. “Let me-!“ He didn’t let her finish speaking. Suddenly he pushed his tongue inside, adding pressure to her cl*t as her walls clenching around the girth of his tongue. With an arch of her back his tongue tasted her release as her cry echoed in the cave.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he admired his handy work. Shadowhearts eye paint lightly began to run at the corners of her eyes as tears slowly welled. Stray hairs sticking to her face as her mouth hung slightly open from her org*sm. Her delicate lips practically whispering to him: kiss me. Durge leaned down and forced his tongue into her mouth. She was too dazed to stop him, even if she had wanted to. Her arms wrapped around him as she chased after her own taste. She wanted to have his body close, to feel his weight on her again. She wanted him to hold her in return, yet he pulled away. She shuddered as the air had suddenly grown chilly at his absence. He nudged her side, for her to roll over. She shakily complied, unable to say a word as she rolled to be on all fours. With a yelp Shadowheart’s head was pulled back from her ponytail, he truly was in quite the mood tonight.

A shiver ran up Durge’s spine seeing Shadowheart submit to him, her c*nt glistening in the glow of the night orchids. He stroked himself as he thumbed her walls, careful to not nick her with his claw. Her breathy moans no longer hushed, her urge to have him finally take her tonight apparent as she lightly pushed back against him. There was just something scratching his perverse mind to simply f*ck her until he broke her demure façade. To have her completely addicted to his prick. A thought crossed his mind, what if he f*cked her until her petite belly was swollen with his seed?

He arched over Shadowheart, she tried to turn her head and give him a kiss, but he brought a hand to her throat forcing her to look up. "No, no. You're in my hands now Shadowheart. Understand?" He rumbled in her ear. He could feel her heart beat flutter as she stiffened. She gave a wordless nod. "Good girl." He reached around with his other hand to fondle a breast before sliding it down to her cl*t once more. Her body shuddered at his touch, feeling too much but between his towering size and his grip on her throat Shadowheart could only grind up against his body. He used his own legs to spread hers a little more, positioning his tip so as to line it to the entrance of her slit.

"What does my girl want?" He teased. Shadowheart could only let out a moan. "Come now." Durge chuckled. "Tell me what you want." Durge drawled, slowing the pace on her cl*t to allow her to speak. She gulped in air as she pleaded. "Please ruin me! Stretch me out with your co*ck!" His lips formed a satisfied smile with her answer. He would oblige. He slide in and purred feeling the velvety warmth envelope as he teased her hole with his tip. As much as she tried to push back and have her way, Durge easily kept her where he wanted her.

He clicked his tongue mocking her impatience. “Fast or slow?” Durge whispered in her ear. “Hard.” She moaned aggressively. He was happy to accommodate her request. Without warning he dug his nails into her skin and slammed his full length. Shadowheart let out a sharp moan and saw stars as his tapered prick instantly stretched her, how she loved the slight burn of being stretched. Gods, how she savored this pain. Her body trying to feebly squeeze him as if she could hold onto him. Despite being in such a submissive position, at the mercy of Durge’s whims, she felt powerful knowing she was the only one who could temper his seemingly insatiable needs.

Nocturne covered her ears as the slam of their skin had caused an echo in the chamber. She was more mortified Shadowheart could take his full length even with their little foreplay games. In the past Shadowheart hadn’t cared for any toys or unwanted insertions, preferring delicate touches and kisses. Laying together and whispering sweet nothings, just happy to have a warm body to sleep next to. This Shadowheart seemed depraved and unfamiliar to Nocturne. She wanted to blame the Dragonborn, he was dangling Shadowheart like a spoiled child who had gotten away with the winning prize. Nocturne’s face flushed with anger.

Durge withdrew slowly, the tightness of her c*nt lightly stretching out along with him before coming halfway and slamming back in. Shadowheart yelped in bliss as she could feel him reach a little deeper. That was it. Shadowheart was his. Only his co*ck could get her to mewl and be left a sloppy mess. Their little rendezvous throughout their journey serving as ample training for her body to take him. He began to pump faster into Shadowheart, their skins singing with every contact as her c*nt was squelching from being thoroughly f*cked. His blood rang: Indulge in your bride, Breed her. Images danced in his mind, Shadowheart with a gravid belly continuing to be f*cked by him like now. Her breasts larger and filled to mother the children. For him to sire them withher. His hand squeezed tighter on her throat.

Black tears spilled from Shadowhearts eyes as she gasped for air. "My love...?!" She felt the twitch of his hand as his grip loosened. He pressed a kiss to her lips, his tongue invading her mouth. She could scarcely form a muffled moan as she could feel his tongue reach further back, practically trying to shove itself into her throat. Gods was it thick. She coughed trying to find some reprieve which only made her gag. Despite this, she managed to release a drench of her cum as her body seized. Her hand came to his wrist as she tried to regain some control. "Mercy,please." She managed to gasp. He relented and let go of her throat. She coughed finally able to draw in proper breaths of air. He pushed her down roughly to the ground, her arms too weak to resist or hold her up, allowing for more of his prick to stay buried in as he continued to thrust..

Shadowheart hissed out a whimpering groan. Her c*nt was overwhelmed from sensation as his prick pummeled into her with a feverish pace. His strokes becoming shorter and shorter as he devolved into a rutting animal. She could feel him beginning to swell in size, she willed her body to relax and try to ease the sting. She was definitely going to be left agape tonight. His cheek pressed against hers as he let more of his weight fall onto her, as if she would even try to squirm away from his rutting. She brought a hand around to hold onto the side of his face, sweetly. She was spent, she had gone over the edge so many times. She just had to endure a little longer for him to find his own release. Her mouth unable to provide more than continual moans, blissful but exhausted too. She managed to catch his lip and bit down, earning blood. With that Durge gave a final slam pressing his groin against her bare ass, his hands going to her waist to keep himself buried inside her. His nails digging into her skin, drawing droplets of blood.

She could feel the small pulses as his hot seed emptied into her. She made a mental note to not go on extended adventures without a long rest. It was no wonder he was practically a rutting animal, he had been pent up quite badly if the quantity of his spunk was any indicator. His tongue weakly licked at her tears, he rolled his hips riding the last of the spurts with a satisfied sigh. Shadowheart was too exhausted to move but also relishing his weight on her back. She couldn’t tell how long they’ve been going for but the heaviness of her eyes was calling for her to seek slumber.

”Ready for round 2?” She laughed tiredly. Durge groaned as he rolled onto his back beside her. Shadowheart bit her lip as he pulled out, despite being exhausted she already missed feeling full. “I thought tonight was for me. Give me a minute.” He chuckled. She curled into his arm, their legs intertwining. She settled her head comfortably on his arm to use as a pillow, her hand tracing the outlines of his scales on his chest. “I jest, my legs wouldn’t last.” She mumbled. Durge hummed as he stared up at the glowing bioluminescence on the cavern. His eyes also beginning to close. “I could always carry you.” He offered. “I still need to walk out on my own.” She sighed, finally sleep had claimed her and her chest rose and fell at an even pace.

For a moment Durge felt at peace. His body spent and his Urge quenched through sexual satisfaction, perhaps this would be a night he could have some sleep. He closed his eyes letting the darkness take him. But like every night his addled brain flooded his mind with visions of red, he regained his consciousness. He was walking along the bloodied plane again, gore and viscera surrounded him he could practically smell it, practically taste the liquid copper on his tongue. For the first time the squelch of his footsteps was not the only sound, on the horizon. He could hear the faint sound of someone… sobbing? As he approached a figure began to emerge from the red mist. He drew his blade, he knows what he must do. It’s the same every night in every dream. No one left alive, he must silence this world for good.

As he approached his heart lurched, he realized it was Shadowheart who was sobbing. Her hair unmistakable for anyone else, she was wearing a dress identical to Vicona but soaked in blood. He felt his throat seize as a knot started forming, he could scarcely breathe. Yet, he still approached with a drawn blade. She was crying over something or someone, inconsolably. He stopped dead in his tracks as he felt the blood drain from his face. Lying in her embrace was him. His eyes glazed with a lifeless stare, his headache began to pound and he found his knife hand twitching. The blood pounding from his temples, practically drowned out Shadowheart’s lamentations and he could swear… his pulsing brain… was he laughing or was it simply the blood?

Durge’s eyes snapped open. His eyes frantically scanned the cavern, once again he awoke in a sweat. Sleeping soundly Shadowheart stirred rolling her back to him, still exhausted from their coitus. He sat up to keep his heartbeat steady, to compose himself. He looked over to where Nocturne had been hidden. She was gone. Probably snuck out while they slept. He snorted, how easily he could have been killed by Shadowheart’s former flame if she had the stomach. How weak.He laid back down, sighing heavily as tonight would still be another sleepless night. He replayed their intimate session in his head, he couldn't help but admit having an audience was rather thrilling. Whether it was claiming Shadowheart's heart and body from her lover or that despite fulfilling her destiny with Shar, Shadowheart still kept a place for him without a doubt out of love. He wrapped his arms around her, spooning Shadowheart so as to keep her warm. She instinctually pressed her body back to his, mumbling some lost words. He would stay awake and keep guard, just until his love opened her eyes again.

Paradise in the Shadows - tinykisses (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.