CR2430 3V Lithium Battery: Detailed Overview, Equivalents, and Comparison with CR2032 (2024)

Envision a future in which your gadgets are perpetually powered up. Enter the CR2430 lithium battery, a powerhouse of energy packed into a compact coin cell. From remote controls to medical devices, this little marvel keeps your gadgets going, delivering consistent performance and longevity. Join us on a journey to uncover the secrets of the CR2430, explore its equivalents, and discover how it stacks up against the popular CR2032. Together, we can unleash the power of this small but powerful battery.

Volvo Key Fob CR2430 Battery Replacement

Technical Specifications of CR2430
Detailed Key Features of CR2430
Dimensions of CR2430
Applications of CR2430
CR2430 Battery: Discharge Characteristics Discharge Characteristics on Load
Discharge Characteristics on Temperature
Discharge Load vs. Operating Voltage (Discharge Depth 40%)
Discharge Load vs. Discharge Capacity
Discharge Characteristics on Pulse Load (Discharge Depth 40%)
Storage Characteristics
Equivalents of CR2430
Detailed Comparison: CR2430 vs. CR2032
How long does a CR2430 battery last?
Where to buy CR2430 battery near me


The CR2430 battery is a non-rechargeable lithium coin cell battery, commonly used in a variety of small electronic devices. It is known for its reliable performance and long shelf life, making it an ideal power source for items like watches, calculators, keyless entry systems, and medical devices. The "CR" in its name indicates that it is a lithium manganese dioxide battery, while the "2430" denotes its dimensions: 24 mm in diameter and 3.0 mm in thickness. This battery typically operates at a nominal voltage of 3 volts and offers a capacity of around 280 mAh, providing a stable and consistent energy output. Its compact size and high energy density make it a popular choice for devices requiring a dependable and long-lasting power source. Additionally, the CR2430 battery is known for its ability to function effectively across a wide temperature range, enhancing its versatility and reliability in various applications.

Technical Specifications of CR2430

Technical Specifications of CR2430

Chemical Framework

Dioxide of lithium and manganese (Li-MnO2)

Standard Voltage



Approximately 280-300mAh






Approximately 4.5 grams

Operating Temperature Range

-20°C to +60°C

Self-discharge Rate

Approximately 1% per year

Typical Load

15kΩ continuous

Max Pulse Current

Up to 30mA (short duration)

Resistance to Change

Less than 15Ω is typical

Temperature Range for Storage

-40°C to +60°C

Shelf Life

Up to 10 years

Discharge Characteristics

Flat discharge curve, maintains constant voltage throughout most of the discharge cycle

Chemical Stability

Under normal circ*mstances, stable, but if damaged by water or air, may react aggressively.

Detailed Key Features

1. High Energy Density: The CR2430 battery has a high energy density, allowing it to deliver more power for a longer period compared to many other battery types. It is therefore perfect for gadgets that need steady, continuous electricity.

2. Extended Shelf Life: Under ideal storage circ*mstances, the CR2430 may hold its charge for up to ten years because to its low self-discharge rate of roughly 1% annually. Because of this, it's a great option for gadgets that aren't used much but still need to function reliably when necessary.

3. Broad Operating Temperature Range: From -20°C to +60°C, the CR2430 battery can operate effectively in a variety of conditions. It is appropriate for devices used in a variety of environmental settings because of this feature.

4. Leakage Resistance: The construction of the CR2430 battery is designed to minimize the risk of leakage, ensuring that it remains safe to use even after long periods of storage or use.

5. Consistent Voltage Output: Throughout its discharge cycle, the CR2430 produces a voltage output that is constant. For gadgets to operate properly, they need a steady voltage, so this stability is essential.

6. Compact and Lightweight: Despite its high capacity, the CR2430 is compact and lightweight, making it suitable for small, portable devices.

Dimensions of CR2430

Applications of CR2430

The CR2430 battery is used in a variety of applications due to its reliability and long-lasting power. Here are some common applications:

- Remote Controls: The CR2430 is often used in remote controls for televisions, audio systems, and other home electronics, providing reliable performance for extended periods.

- Watches: While not as common as smaller coin cells, the CR2430 is used in some larger watches that require higher capacity batteries.

- Calculators: Scientific and financial calculators benefit from the high capacity and long life of the CR2430, ensuring they are always ready for use.

- Digital Thermometers: Medical and environmental thermometers use the CR2430 for accurate readings and long-lasting power.

- Medical Devices: Devices such as glucose monitors, hearing aids, and other small medical equipment rely on the CR2430 for their dependable performance.

- Electronic Toys: The CR2430 is used in various electronic toys and games, providing long playtimes without the need for frequent battery changes.

- Fitness Trackers: Wearable fitness devices use the CR2430 for continuous activity tracking, benefiting from its high capacity and long life.

- Car Key Fobs: Remote keyless entry systems for cars often use the CR2430, providing reliable performance for locking and unlocking vehicles.

CR2430 Battery: Discharge Characteristics

A thorough understanding of the CR2430 battery's discharge characteristics is essential for optimizing its use in different devices. This section delves into the discharge characteristics on load, temperature, load vs. operating voltage, load vs. discharge capacity, pulse load at 40% discharge depth, and storage characteristics.

Discharge Characteristics on Load

1. Discharge Curves

The discharge curve of a CR2430 battery typically demonstrates how its voltage decreases over time under different loads. Typically, the load is stated in milliamperes (mA) or microamperes (µA) of current. Here are some common scenarios:

- Low Load (10 µA to 50 µA): Under low load conditions, the CR2430 exhibits a relatively flat discharge curve. The voltage remains stable for a longer duration, typically maintaining around 3.0V for most of its life. This is suitable for devices requiring minimal continuous current, such as memory backup and RTC (Real-Time Clock) modules.

- Moderate Load (100 µA to 500 µA): With moderate loads, the discharge curve shows a gradual decline in voltage. The battery starts around 3.0V and decreases steadily, reaching approximately 2.0V towards the end of its life. Applications such as small sensors and remote controls often fall into this category.

- High Load (1 mA to 3 mA): At high loads, the voltage drop is more pronounced. The initial voltage of 3.0V quickly falls to about 2.5V within a short period, and the battery life is significantly reduced. High-load scenarios include LED lights, alarms, and motorized devices.

2. Voltage vs. Time

The relationship between voltage and time under various loads can be summarized as follows:

- Constant Current Discharge: The CR2430 battery discharges at a nearly constant rate under a constant current load. For instance, at a constant discharge of 1 mA, the battery voltage drops linearly until it reaches the cutoff voltage of around 2.0V.

- Pulse Discharge: In applications where the load is not constant but occurs in pulses (e.g., wireless transmitters), the battery experiences periods of high current draw followed by rest periods. During the rest periods, the voltage partially recovers, leading to a stepped discharge curve. This recovery can extend the battery life compared to a continuous high load.

3. Capacity and Energy Density

The capacity of a CR2430 battery is typically around 280 mAh. The effective capacity can vary depending on the load:

- Low Load: The effective capacity is close to the nominal capacity (280 mAh) since the voltage remains stable for longer periods.

- High Load: The effective capacity decreases as the internal resistance causes more significant voltage drops, leading to a quicker depletion of usable energy.

4. Temperature Effects

The performance of the CR2430 battery also depends on the ambient temperature. Higher temperatures generally improve discharge efficiency, while lower temperatures can cause voltage drops:

- Room Temperature (20°C to 25°C): Optimal performance with stable voltage and capacity close to nominal values.

- High Temperature (>40°C): Slight improvement in capacity but potential risk of leakage and reduced lifespan.

- Low Temperature (<0°C): Increased internal resistance leading to significant voltage drops and reduced capacity. Suitable for applications with brief low-temperature exposure.

5. Discharge Characteristics Summary

To summarize the discharge characteristics of the CR2430 battery on load:

- Voltage Stability: Better stability at low to moderate loads.

- Capacity Utilization: Higher at low loads, reduced at high loads.

- Temperature Sensitivity: Optimal at room temperature, reduced efficiency at low temperatures.

Practical Applications

Understanding these discharge characteristics helps in selecting the CR2430 battery for appropriate applications. For instance:

- Memory Backup and RTC: Low load applications where long-term voltage stability is crucial.

- Remote Controls and Sensors: Moderate load applications requiring a balance between capacity and load.

- LED Lights and Alarms: High load applications where short bursts of high current are needed, accepting a shorter battery life.

The CR2430 battery's discharge characteristics on load highlight its versatility for various low to moderate power applications, with performance influenced by load type and environmental conditions. Proper consideration of these factors ensures optimal battery performance and longevity in specific devices.

Discharge Characteristics on Temperature

1. General Overview

The discharge characteristics of the CR2430 battery change with temperature due to variations in internal chemical reactions and electrolyte conductivity. These changes affect the battery's voltage stability, capacity, and overall performance.

2. Discharge at Room Temperature (20°C to 25°C)

- Voltage Stability: At room temperature, the CR2430 battery exhibits optimal performance. The discharge curve remains relatively flat, maintaining a stable voltage around 3.0V for most of its life. The voltage gradually decreases towards the end of the discharge cycle.

- Capacity Utilization: The battery delivers its nominal capacity of approximately 280 mAh. The internal resistance is minimal, allowing efficient energy delivery.

- Application Suitability: Perfect for a variety of uses, such as memory backup, sensors, and remote controllers.

3. High Temperature Discharge (>40°C)

- Voltage Stability: At elevated temperatures, the battery's discharge voltage tends to be higher initially but may drop more quickly as the temperature impacts the electrolyte's stability and increases self-discharge rates.

- Capacity Utilization: The capacity may be slightly higher than at room temperature due to enhanced electrolyte conductivity, reducing internal resistance. However, the materials in the battery can deteriorate with continuous exposure to high temperatures, reducing the battery's total lifespan.

- Risk Factors: There is a higher risk of leakage, swelling, and reduced long-term reliability. Proper heat management and short-term use at high temperatures are recommended.

- Application Suitability: Suitable for short-term high-temperature applications, such as industrial sensors or devices operating in warm environments.

4. Low Temperature Discharge (<0°C)

- Voltage Stability: At low temperatures, the voltage drops more rapidly due to increased internal resistance. The electrolyte becomes more viscous, slowing down the chemical reactions required for energy release.

- Capacity Utilization: The effective capacity is significantly reduced. The battery may deliver only a fraction of its nominal capacity, around 50-70%, depending on the exact temperature.

- Recovery Effect: During pulse discharge, the battery may exhibit a voltage recovery effect during rest periods. But this still doesn't fully offset the overall capacity loss.

- Application Suitability: Suitable for low-temperature applications requiring brief periods of power, such as winter outdoor sensors or devices with short operational periods in cold environments.

5. Extreme Temperature Discharge (>60°C and <-20°C)

- Voltage Stability: At extreme temperatures, the voltage stability is highly compromised. High temperatures can lead to rapid voltage drops and potential safety hazards, while extremely low temperatures can cause the battery to fail to deliver usable voltage.

- Capacity Utilization: Capacity utilization is significantly reduced in both extremes. High temperatures accelerate degradation, and extremely low temperatures increase internal resistance to a point where the battery may become unusable.

- Risk Factors: High temperatures pose risks of leakage, explosion, and swelling. The electrolyte may freeze at extremely low temperatures, resulting in irreversible harm.

- Application Suitability: Extreme temperature usage is not recommended without proper protective measures and thermal management systems.

Summary of Temperature Effects

- Optimal Temperature Range (20°C to 25°C): Best performance with stable voltage and nominal capacity.

- High Temperature (>40°C): Slightly improved capacity but risks of leakage and reduced lifespan.

- Low Temperature (<0°C): Increased internal resistance leading to lower capacity and rapid voltage drops.

- Extreme Temperatures (>60°C and <-20°C): Significant performance degradation and potential safety hazards.

Practical Applications and Considerations

Understanding the temperature-dependent discharge characteristics of the CR2430 battery is crucial for its effective application:

- Consumer Electronics: Devices used indoors at room temperature will benefit from the optimal performance of the CR2430 battery.

- Outdoor Devices: For applications in varying outdoor conditions, consider insulating the battery or using thermal management techniques to maintain performance.

- Industrial Applications: In environments with extreme temperatures, use specialized battery solutions or additional protective measures to ensure safety and reliability.

The CR2430 battery's discharge characteristics are significantly influenced by temperature. Optimal performance is achieved at room temperature, while both high and low temperatures can affect voltage stability and capacity. Proper consideration of these factors ensures reliable and efficient use of the CR2430 battery in diverse applications.

Discharge Load vs. Operating Voltage (Discharge Depth 40%)

The CR2430 battery, a lithium coin cell, is known for its compact size and high energy density, making it suitable for a variety of low to moderate power applications. Understanding the relationship between discharge load and operating voltage, especially at a specific discharge depth, is crucial for optimizing battery performance in different applications. Here, we provide a detailed examination of the CR2430 battery's behavior under various loads at a 40% discharge depth.

1. Discharge Load and Operating Voltage

Discharge load refers to the current drawn from the battery during its operation, while operating voltage is the voltage delivered by the battery under this load. At a 40% discharge depth, the battery has expended 40% of its capacity, providing insights into its mid-life performance.

2. Low Load (10 µA to 50 µA)

- Operating Voltage: At low discharge loads, the CR2430 battery maintains a high and stable operating voltage. At 40% discharge depth, the voltage typically remains around 2.9V to 3.0V.

- Performance Characteristics: The voltage drop is minimal due to the low current draw, allowing the battery to provide a stable power supply for extended periods.

- Applications: Ideal for low-power devices such as memory backup systems, real-time clocks (RTC), and small sensors where consistent voltage is crucial.

3. Moderate Load (100 µA to 500 µA)

- Operating Voltage: Under moderate loads, the operating voltage at 40% discharge depth ranges from 2.8V to 2.9V. The voltage drop is more noticeable compared to low loads, but it remains within acceptable limits for many applications.

- Performance Characteristics: The battery efficiently supports moderate current draws, balancing capacity utilization and voltage stability.

- Applications: Suitable for remote controls, moderate-power sensors, and small electronic devices requiring a reliable power source.

4. High Load (1 mA to 3 mA)

- Operating Voltage: At high discharge loads, the operating voltage at 40% discharge depth typically drops to around 2.5V to 2.7V. The voltage drop is more pronounced due to higher internal resistance and greater current draw.

- Performance Characteristics: The battery can still deliver sufficient power but with reduced voltage stability. The higher load results in quicker depletion of the remaining capacity.

- Applications: Appropriate for high-power devices such as LED lights, alarms, and small motorized gadgets, accepting a shorter battery lifespan.


Discharge Load

Operating Voltage (40% Discharge Depth)

Performance Characteristics


Low (10 µA to 50 µA)

2.9V to 3.0V

Minimal voltage drop, stable power supply

Memory backups, RTCs, small sensors

Moderate (100 µA to 500 µA)

2.8V to 2.9V

Balanced voltage stability and capacity utilization

Remote controls, moderate-power sensors, small electronics

High (1 mA to 3 mA)

2.5V to 2.7V

Noticeable voltage drop, reduced stability under high load

Alarms, LED lights, and motorized devices

Realistic Aspects

To guarantee optimum performance when utilizing the CR2430 battery, it is crucial to take the application's specific load requirements into account. Here are a few useful pointers:

- Low Load Applications: Utilize the CR2430 in low-power devices where maintaining a stable voltage is critical for long-term operation.

- Moderate Load Applications: Ensure that devices requiring moderate power are designed to operate efficiently within the voltage range provided by the battery.

- High Load Applications: Be prepared for a reduced lifespan and plan for more frequent battery replacements in high-power devices.

In conclusion, understanding the discharge load versus operating voltage relationship at a 40% discharge depth helps in selecting the CR2430 battery for various applications. By considering these characteristics, users can optimize battery performance, ensuring reliability and efficiency in their devices.

Discharge Load vs. Discharge Capacity

Discharge load refers to the current drawn from the battery during its operation, while discharge capacity is the total amount of charge the battery can deliver under a specific load before it is depleted. The discharge capacity of the CR2430 battery varies significantly with the applied load due to internal resistance and other factors.

1. Low Load (10 µA to 50 µA)

- Discharge Capacity: Under low load conditions, the CR2430 battery provides close to its nominal capacity of approximately 280 mAh. The internal resistance is minimal, resulting in efficient energy delivery.

- Performance Characteristics: The battery operates efficiently with minimal voltage drop and prolonged life, making it suitable for devices with low power requirements.

- Applications: Ideal for memory backup systems, real-time clocks (RTC), and small sensors that require a steady and long-lasting power supply.

2. Moderate Load (100 µA to 500 µA)

- Discharge Capacity: At moderate loads, the discharge capacity slightly decreases, typically delivering around 240 mAh to 260 mAh. The increase in current draw leads to a higher internal resistance, which reduces the overall capacity.

- Performance Characteristics: The battery maintains a balance between capacity and voltage stability, suitable for devices requiring moderate power levels.

- Applications: Suitable for remote controls, moderate-power sensors, and small electronic devices that need reliable power for intermittent use.

3. High Load (1 mA to 3 mA)

- Discharge Capacity: Under high load conditions, the discharge capacity drops more significantly, often delivering around 180 mAh to 220 mAh. The higher current draw results in greater internal resistance, leading to a faster voltage drop and reduced capacity.

- Performance Characteristics: The battery can still provide sufficient power but with reduced efficiency and a shorter operational lifespan.

- Applications: Appropriate for high-power devices such as LED lights, alarms, and small motorized gadgets that require short bursts of high current.


Discharge Load

Discharge Capacity

Performance Characteristics


Low (10 µA to 50 µA)

~280 mAh

Minimal voltage drop, prolonged life

Memory backups, RTCs, small sensors

Moderate (100 µA to 500 µA)

240 mAh to 260 mAh

Balanced capacity and voltage stability

Remote controls, moderate-power sensors, small electronics

High (1 mA to 3 mA)

180 mAh to 220 mAh

Noticeable capacity drop, reduced efficiency

LED lights, alarms, motorized gadgets

Discharge Characteristics on Pulse Load (Discharge Depth 40%)

Pulse load refers to a sudden, high-current draw for a short duration, followed by periods of low or no current draw. The operating voltage under pulse load conditions can exhibit significant fluctuations due to the battery's internal resistance and the transient nature of the load.

1. Low Pulse Load (10 mA to 50 mA)

- Operating Voltage: At low pulse loads, the CR2430 battery maintains a relatively stable operating voltage. At 40% discharge depth, the voltage typically ranges from 2.8V to 3.0V during pulses.

- Performance Characteristics: The voltage drop during the pulse is minimal, allowing the battery to recover quickly to its nominal voltage during rest periods.

- Applications: Ideal for devices like remote controls and low-power wireless sensors that require occasional bursts of power.

2. Moderate Pulse Load (100 mA to 200 mA)

- Operating Voltage: Under moderate pulse loads, the operating voltage during pulses ranges from 2.5V to 2.8V at 40% discharge depth. The voltage drop is more noticeable but generally acceptable for many applications.

- Performance Characteristics: The battery can handle the increased load but with a more significant voltage drop during pulses, which recovers partially during rest periods.

- Applications: Suitable for devices like alarms, small wireless communication devices, and moderately power-hungry sensors.

3. High Pulse Load (300 mA to 500 mA)

- Operating Voltage: At high pulse loads, the operating voltage can drop significantly, often to around 2.0V to 2.5V at 40% discharge depth. The voltage recovery between pulses is slower and may not fully return to the nominal voltage.

- Performance Characteristics: The battery experiences a substantial voltage drop during high pulses, affecting the overall efficiency and potentially the performance of the device.

- Applications: Appropriate for high-power applications like LED flashlights, emergency beacons, and other devices requiring intense but short bursts of power.


Pulse Load

Operating Voltage (40% Discharge Depth)

Performance Characteristics


Low (10 mA to 50 mA)

2.8V to 3.0V

Minimal voltage drop, quick recovery

Remote controls, low-power wireless sensors

Moderate (100 mA to 200 mA)

2.5V to 2.8V

Noticeable voltage drop, partial recovery

Alarms, small wireless communication devices

High (300 mA to 500 mA)

2.0V to 2.5V

Significant voltage drop, slower recovery

LED flashlights, emergency beacons

Storage Characteristics

The storage characteristics of the CR2430 lithium coin cell battery are essential for ensuring its long-term reliability and performance. In addition to preserving the battery's capacity, proper storage conditions can stop problems like self-discharge and leakage.

Optimal Storage Conditions

- Temperature: Store the CR2430 battery in a cool, dry place at temperatures between -20°C and 25°C (-4°F to 77°F). Extreme temperatures should not be stored with the battery as this may shorten its life and performance.

- Humidity: Keep the batteries out of high humidity areas because moisture might cause leaks and corrosion. Humidity levels below 60% are ideal for storage.

- Packaging: Store the battery in its original packaging or in a battery storage case to protect it from physical damage and exposure to moisture.

- Light: To prevent the battery's materials and performance from deteriorating over time, keep it out of the direct sun and other UV light sources.

Rate of Self-Discharge

The CR2430 battery has a comparatively low self-discharge rate, albeit it can change based on storage circ*mstances. At room temperature (20°C to 25°C), the battery can typically retain around 90% of its capacity after one year of storage. However, higher temperatures can accelerate the self-discharge rate, leading to a faster loss of capacity.

Prolonged Storage Considerations

- Charge Level: For prolonged storage, it is recommended to store the CR2430 battery with a partial charge (around 40% to 60% of its capacity). This helps prevent over-discharge, which can permanently damage the battery.

- Regular Checks: Periodically check the battery's voltage during storage using a multimeter. If the voltage drops below a certain threshold (typically 2.0V for lithium batteries), consider recharging or replacing the battery.

- Storage Duration: While the cr2430 3 v battery can be stored for several years if kept under optimal conditions, it is advisable to use the battery within its shelf life to ensure optimal performance.


Proper storage of the CR2430 battery is essential for maintaining its performance and lifespan. Storing the battery in a cool, dry place away from extreme temperatures and moisture can help preserve its capacity and prevent degradation. Regularly inspect stored batteries for damage or leakage and use older batteries first to ensure optimal performance. Following these guidelines can help maximize the lifespan of the CR2430 battery and ensure its reliability when needed.

Equivalents of CR2430

Several batteries can be used as equivalents to the CR2430, offering similar performance and specifications. These equivalents include:

- DL2430: Manufactured by Duracell, the DL2430 offers comparable performance to the CR2430, ensuring compatibility with devices requiring the latter.

- ECR2430: Produced by Energizer, the ECR2430 is known for its high quality and reliability, making it a suitable replacement for the CR2430.

- KL2430: Made by Panasonic, the KL2430 offers similar specifications to the CR2430, providing a reliable alternative.

- L20: A common designation used by various manufacturers, the L20 ensures compatibility with devices designed for the CR2430.

These equivalents are interchangeable with the CR2430, providing similar voltage, capacity, and dimensions.

Detailed Comparison: CR2430 vs. CR2032




Chemical System



Nominal Voltage













4.5 grams

3.0 grams

Operating Temperature Range

-20°C to +60°C

-20°C to +60°C

Self-discharge Rate

~1% per year

~1% per year

Typical Load

15kΩ continuous

15kΩ continuous

Max Pulse Current

30mA (short duration)

25mA (short duration)





Remote Controls, Watches, Calculators, Medical Devices, Electronic Toys, Fitness Trackers, Car Key Fobs

Car Key Fobs, Watches, Computer Motherboards, Small Electronic Devices


Slightly higher

Slightly lower

How long does a cr2430 battery last?

The lifespan of a CR2430 battery can vary significantly depending on its application and usage conditions. Typically, a CR2430 battery can last anywhere from several months to several years.

In low-drain devices such as calculators, watches, or small remote controls, a CR2430 battery can last up to 2-3 years or more. These devices draw very little current, allowing the battery to provide power over a long period.

In medium-drain applications, like some medical devices or keyless entry systems, the battery may last around 1-2 years, depending on how frequently the device is used.

High-drain devices that require more frequent power, such as certain types of sensors or more advanced electronic gadgets, may deplete the battery more quickly, possibly lasting only a few months to a year.

The longevity of batteries is also influenced by environmental conditions. While working at moderate temperatures can help the battery live longer, high temperatures can degrade the battery's efficiency and lifespan.

Overall, the actual duration a 3 volt battery cr2430 lasts depends on the specific device it powers and how intensively that device is used.

where to buy cr2430 battery near me

To purchase a CR2430 battery near you, you can check several types of stores that commonly carry these batteries:

1. Electronics Stores: Stores like Best Buy or Fry's Electronics often have a selection of batteries, including the CR2430.

2. Pharmacies: Major pharmacy chains like CVS, Walgreens, or Rite Aid typically stock coin cell batteries in their electronics or photo sections.

3. Supermarkets: Large supermarkets such as Walmart, Target, or Costco usually have a battery section where you can find CR2430 batteries.

4. Hardware retailers: The CR2430 is among the many batteries that are frequently carried by home improvement retailers like Home Depot and Lowe's.

5. Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, eBay, or are convenient options if you prefer shopping online. You can order the batteries and have them delivered to your home.

To find the nearest store, you can use online tools like Google Maps or the store's website to check for stock availability and locations. Simply search for "CR2430 battery near me" or check the battery section of the store's website.


A dependable and large-capacity power supply for a variety of electrical gadgets is the CR2430 3V lithium battery. It is a great option for devices needing steady and long-lasting power because of its sturdy build, extended shelf life, and high energy density. Making judgments based on knowledge of the counterparts and how they differ from the CR2032 can be beneficial for particular applications. To achieve optimal performance, take into account the device's size limitations and power requirements while deciding between the CR2430 and CR2032.

By exploring the technical specifications, applications, and comparisons, this detailed overview provides a comprehensive understanding of the CR2430 battery and its place in the world of small electronic power sources. Whether you are replacing a battery in a remote control, a medical device, or a fitness tracker, the CR2430 offers reliable performance and long-lasting power.

CR2430 3V Lithium Battery: Detailed Overview, Equivalents, and Comparison with CR2032 (2024)


What is the difference between CR2430 and CR2032? ›

​CR2430 coin cell batteries are known for being slightly wider than their CR2025 and CR2032 counterparts.

What is the equivalent of a CR2430 battery? ›

What battery is equivalent to CR2430? CR2025 and CR2032 batteries can sometimes be used in place of each other, even though CR2025 batteries are slightly thinner. There is no true substitute for a CR2430 battery, and they represent a somewhat unique size in the battery world.

What is CR2032 battery equivalent? ›

For as long as either fits in the battery compartment, the CR2025 and CR2032 may be used interchangeably with minimal effect although the CR2032 would probably last slightly longer simply because it has a higher capacity (mAh).

How long do CR2032 lithium 3V coin battery last? ›

Answer: The CR 2032 battery is rated at 210 mah which means that if a 210 mA load was placed on it, it should last one hour. However, when used to provide standby CMOS power it is much less than that, more on the order of 10 microamperes, so it should last about 21,000 hours of actual use.

What is the life expectancy of a CR2430 battery? ›

Service Life After Storage At High Temperature 60 ±2℃ 20 Days 1280Hrs Minimum Continuous Discharge At 20± 2 ℃ Under 15kΩ Load To 2.0V End-Voltage After Storage.

Which battery lasts longer AAA or CR2032? ›

IIRC, a new CR2032 is something like 3.3v. Three new AAA alkalines in series will be 4.8v. Two would likely work fine (3.2v), but by the time they're half-depleted it will be down to around 2.6v, which might not be enough voltage to power the scale. Even so, it will give more run time than a CR2032.

What is the best brand of coin battery? ›

Final thoughts on the best coin batteries
  • Best overall: Panasonic CR2016.
  • Best for cameras: Duracell 2032.
  • Best for remote controls: Energizer 2450.
  • Best for watches: LiCB LR1130.
  • Best budget: AmVolt LR44.
Feb 1, 2023

What is compatible with a 2032 battery? ›

A CR2032 battery, often called a button cell battery, is a 3V cell often used in small electronics. Watches, small remote controls, wireless doorbells, calculators, etc. usually use lithium CR2032 batteries.

Which button batteries are interchangeable? ›

While alkaline, silver oxide, and mercury batteries of the same size may be mechanically interchangeable in any given device, use of a cell of the right voltage but unsuitable characteristics can lead to short battery life or failure to operate equipment.

What brand of CR2032 batteries last the longest? ›

What is the longest lasting CR2032 battery? The longest lasting CR2032 battery that we sell is the Duracell Procell CR2032. Review after review, comparison after comparison, the Duracell Procell CR2032 comes out on top.

How long do CR2032 batteries last in LED lights? ›

A typical LED uses about 20mA and the capacity of a CR2032 Coin Cell is 200mAh. See below for a battery life estimate: Number of LED(s) in one circuit: 1 - Battery life: 10 hours. Number of LED(s) in one circuit: 2 - Battery life: 5 hours.

Are all 3V batteries the same? ›

There are two main types of 3V batteries, CR2 cylindrical battery and CR2 coin battery in the market. Just as NCM battery and LFP battery, the 3V batteries always made by lithium technology. CR2 3v cylindrical batteries are generally bulkier than coin cells.

Can I use a CR2032 in place of a CR2450? ›

However, if you have a CR2450 on hand, it could be a suitable emergency replacement if it fits without damaging the device. Conversely, using a CR2032 instead of a CR2450 for a device requiring more power could lead to shorter battery life or more frequent replacements.

What battery is thinner than CR2032? ›

2025 is thinner than 2032, so the capacity is less and the service life is shorter. CR2032 and CR2025 are 3V lithium manganese butt batteries. The voltage of the two is the same.

What are 2430 batteries used for? ›

The Kitosun 2430 3V Lithium batteries power both daily and essential home devices, Primarily used for Volvo car key fob S60,XC60,V40,V60,S80L,S90,XC90,XC40,S60L,V90, Fossil hybrid smartwatch, Alarm clock radio, Remote controllers, Glucose monitors, Thermometers, Calculators, Electronic organizers, Garage door openers, ...

Can you use a 2450 battery in place of a 2430? ›

While CR2430 and CR2450 batteries have similar voltages and are both used in various electronic devices, they are not interchangeable due to their different physical sizes.

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Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.