Charity's Code (Virtues and Valor #3) (2024)

Rebekah Morris

Author107 books243 followers

July 16, 2018

Another exciting installment in the Virtues and Valor series. Though this one wasn't quite as tense as the first two, that was okay with me. I enjoyed being a bit more relaxed when I read this one. I really like the back part of the book where the author introduces us to the real people her characters are based off of. It always brings the events to life in a bigger way.
This story takes the "situation" a little farther toward an ending then the other two, but still leaves you needing to read the rest of the series to get the full picture.

Andrea Cox

Author3 books1,696 followers

August 25, 2021

Overall, this story was better developed and more smoothly delivered (no choppy, rushed scene transitions) than its predecessors.

There were a few major inconsistencies with Charity’s level of skill. One example is that Charity can do all the mental calculations “without thinking about it” to figure out where each of five parachuters would land while she also counted stitches for a project she was knitting… but our first glimpse of her codebreaking took her over an hour to think of a pretty basic clue location. The two activities seemed to be done by two completely different brains.

None of the characters followed the #1 stated rule for the team: “share nothing personal.” Even the team leader shared something personal at one point. They also struggled to keep the second of only two major rules: “don’t talk about any missions. Ever.” A pretty big mission was discussed between a pair of characters who were supposed to be able to keep secrets. How could either be trusted with important secrets if they were so quick to gab?

I’m beginning to doubt this series can have a decent finale. Every book so far has ended very abruptly in the climax, leaving zero resolution for the lead characters.

Content: pubs, replacement expletive

    1930s 1940s 2018-100-wonders-spell-outs

Julie Barrett

8,700 reviews173 followers

February 21, 2020

Charity's Code by Hallee Bridgeman
Starts with dedication page and then prologue.
Love how women get names other than their own depicting the work ethics they do.
Attributes of the name given start the story. We find Dorothy and she's sending Tom her husband off to the war.
Their children will live at her parents while she serves in her own way. She realizes she loves puzzles and can solve them extremely fast and accurately, just what the organization needs.
Love how she is able to also send along coded messages to the POW's that she hopes along with others to gain freedom soon.
Her perception of turmoil is right on as there's just a handful of people left at the dining room. Many have been sent to do their jobs using the expertise they possess.
Lot of women are at the camp and there are rules-no personal information is allowed.
Sounds to me like they are the ones imprisoned during war times.
Story ends with inspired by real events and how the story came to be, pictures along the way showing what is described, British and Scottish words and phrases translated, French words and also German ones.
Period vehicles are shown and described. Character lists and a summary of each of the other books in this series.
Reader's guide and questions for discussion, excerpt from A Parcel for Prudence.
Included are: about the author, social media links her other works highlighted in series format but can be read as stand alone books.
Personal note and how to sign up for her newsletter


282 reviews8 followers

December 3, 2017

I'm reading the whole series of Virtues and Valor. I started night before last & I'm on book 5. Page turners each & every one of the ones I've read. Highly recommend anything by Hallee Bridgeman. I haven't been disappointed in any of the books that I've read. I've read several of her books previously and gave each of them 5 stars. Her books are clean, fast-paced, heart warming and can touch your emotions. She brings faith into her books and this series is set during WWII. The team of special agents are all Christian and have specialized training to go undercover in the field, occupied France. The books are actually modeled after real heroines of WWII. No one asked me to write this review and all opinions are my own. Hope you enjoy this series as much as I have so far. Finished this series in 3 days. Couldn't put the books down. The series is a series of novellas but longer than most novellas. I only wished they were longer.

Whenever a book is a page turner, touches my emotions or actually makes tears run down my cheeks (I have dry eyes & its hard me to cry) then it gets an automatic 5 star rating from me.
No one asked me to read and review this series. All opinions are my own and I highly recommend anything by Hallee Bridgeman. I've never been disappointed in any of her books.


Litany Lineberry

Author2 books4 followers

April 1, 2020

In book 3 of the Virtues and Valor series Dorothy Ewing code name Charity is a character you cannot help but fall in love with from the start. She was a mother, wife but most of all protector of her family at homer especially when her husband had to go off to war. We see why her name is code named Charity, her generosity to her friend during the bombings at the beginning shows how good of a heart she has.

From the prologue you get a sense of why the title of this book is Charity’s Code due to her deciphering the text of a crossword puzzle. Through prayer Dorothy stepped out on faith and accepted a job that would change the course of not just her life but her family as well as she uses the skills, we saw from the prologue to do her part to help.

We see Charity go through the emotions of dealing with the war and how it is affecting her family and still have time to give encouragement and a listening ear to her sisters of Virtue. All in all, she keeps her wits about her to do the job she is tasked and through prayer, faith and friendship she sees a light at the end of a long tunnel.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



305 reviews6 followers

April 2, 2015

CHARITY'S CODE is the third exciting novella in the Virtues and Valor series by Hallee Bridgeman.

In 1940 Captain Thomas Ewing is called to fight for his country as a pilot in the RAF. Dorothy, his wife, is left behind to care for their three children, one son, Tommy and two girls.

1941 finds those still in London facing nightly bombings, which would send all into "underground tunnels and designated cellars and shelters." pg. 14 where they would bring things to keep them busy such as Victrolas and Gramophones or decks of cards.

Dorothy had sent her children to live with her parents after the first bomb had landed in London while she remained there to work. What no one knew was that she was in fact working at " Bletchley Park, ...with other women like herself as crypto-analysts. The project was classified above Most Secret and she understood that even speaking of it could result in her execution for treason." pg. 15

Dorothy kept herself busy working days, missing her family at nights and visiting her neighbor and best friend, Beatrice on her days off. When visiting over a cup of tea she could almost pretend that life was normal, the children would be returning from school shortly and Tom home for supper.

But all this changed when she received word that her husband had been shot down and captured by the Wehrmacht.
"She couldn't dwell on that. It would make her crazy. No room for panic...Instead, she would do her part in this war effort to bring an end to the Nazi war machine." pg. 16

When her home is bombed, she takes all she can carry in a few pillow cases, picks up the mail then offers her neighbor, Beatrice whose house is destroyed to stay there as Dorothy can stay at the flat at her job. In this mail, there is a letter from Tom, which from the start has her wondering what is wrong as the address is written towards the stamp in the corner vs. straight across. The wheels begin spinning in this puzzle solvers head. Many things go through her head as she reads through the two page letter.

She figures out that her dear husband is actually writing to her in code and he has a message for her to deliver, and the whom and where. Without delay she is off to deliver this message.

This meeting will be the beginning of a new adventure, job as she is added to the elite group of women, trained to specific tasks. This group will face head-on the realities of war, and deal with it through prayer, humor and true friendship even though they have only recently met at the training center.

Dorothy, code name: Charity
CHARITY--benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity, generosity and helpfulness, philanthropy, especially toward the poor, ill, or helpless, the needy or suffering; aid or donations given to those in need or in disfavor; leniency in judging others, forbearance; Christian love, agape (Greek). pg. 10

What could a homemaker, crossword puzzle champion do to help out with the war effort?
"Well, I think God was just gifting me for this time in our lives," she said with sincere modesty. "What good does it do anyone to be able to solve a crossword in record time? Not the least bit useful, really. However, if that very skill can be translated into something like this, then I'll happily accept it." pg. 28

They face fear, head on with Christ by their side.
"We're all brave." Grace never minced words. Dorothy had come to count on that. "Even when we feel fear, we still act," she said, looking directly at Temperance. "Fear is normal. Don't let it discourage you." pg. 36

God had brought these women together, with their talents, some hidden, some not, to bring about His plan.
"Isn't it strange how we each have these sort of niche gifts that have formed such a strong team?"

"Not strange at all, " Hope said, looking up from the paper in front of her. "Don't you think God has equipped us all perfectly for this work?" pg. 41

After only a few weeks together, Dorothy said goodbye to 5 members while she stayed behind at the training center, working on receiving and deciphering messages from operatives, receiving and writing coded letters to her husband and of course praying.

And then one day, "the signal in her ear surprised her. It wasn't a scheduled time or day for anything..."pg. 46 nor was it a full message. Dorothy is called upon to write her husband, Tom, giving info about what they know at this point, and work on getting it into his hands within 2 days. There was much riding on this letter. What could Dorothy do in this situation, with so much unknown? Faith shares from Romans "Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing constant in prayer....I know the Bible, and I know the people in it. This books is filled with tribulation and suffering that you and I could never even fathom, and through it all--through all that human suffering--is the grace and presence of God Almighty." pg. 50

Pick up this exciting read today and see what happens, then read about the real events that it is based upon as well as see photos of some of the underground places people went to during the bombings, planes of the period, as well as the children whom were sent away and what became of them. You can also read about the people whose lives this story is based upon. Definitely some good reading, especially for Americans, to learn some of your history, but even as a Canadian I thoroughly enjoyed it. As always you will find the translation key and the reader's guide, which helps you to get even more from this short story.

Another great read by Hallee Bridgeman, already looking forward to book #4.

Thank you to for this book in exchange for my honest review.

Ellen White

7,573 reviews43 followers

April 28, 2018

Children had been sent to York, with her parents, after the bombs started, Seeing an ad she is now a Crypto analyst, and husband is a POW. She gets a letter and it must be in code, but what was Tom telling her. Figuring it out,and doing what it said. Led her to a new job, and now called Charity. Sending coded message. A dread message that Temperance had been compromised., is she in same prison as Tom. This was a hard breaking story, of women, wives, of what they wanted was to be home with their loved ones. Instead of doing what they could to stop the war. Interesting of how messages were sent, the plot was tense, and very real.


1,018 reviews1 follower

June 19, 2020

This third book of valor highlights Dodo Barry, (AKA Charity) whose husband, a pilot, is imprisoned by the Nazis in occupied France. The mother of three who is displaced because of the blitzkrieg over London, leaves her children safely in York with her mother and, because of her skills, is invited to work on a secret decoding mission for the British. Having a highly evolved cognitive ability for puzzles, she is able to decode secret messages that is valuable to the British underground cause. Another interesting novella, that highlights talents more than inhumanity actions of the Third Reich as the first two did.


831 reviews8 followers

July 26, 2021

Great insight into life in London during WWII. Dorothy is not only a smart woman, but she has great tenacity in persevering, though her husband is a POW and her children have been evacuated to their grandparent's home where they are safer. I wonder why we never learned about the evacuation of children in our history classes. My only disappointment is that the book stops abruptly, and I need to buy the next book to hopefully read of the heroine's fate. I would have given the book 5 stars if not for the cliffhanger. Nevertheless, I highly recommend this book.

Jeryl Smith

153 reviews

January 26, 2020

Charity's Code

Came across this book in BookBub & as a WWII buff, had to buy! Wasn't disappointed; in fact, want to get the whole series! Hallee's style is so good & her ability to weave fiction into historical facts is amazing!


3,134 reviews33 followers

August 30, 2022

Most thrilling and exciting. I don’t know what I’d do if this series wasn’t complete and I’d have to wait! I love how these build on top of each other but each moves the story a little further down the track. It’s terrible addicting.

Karen Hadley

529 reviews15 followers

July 31, 2017

This is such a great series that keep you moving on to the next book in the series.


1,247 reviews51 followers

July 30, 2020

So enjoying this series. wonderfully written

Susan Stoepel

44 reviews1 follower

June 30, 2019

Good read with interesting characters. Part of an 8 novella series. The entire series must be read in order to find out what happens to the characters.


1,262 reviews1 follower

April 25, 2015

Charity’s Code is the third serialized story in the ‘Virtues and Valor’ series by Hallee Bridgeman. This series is set in WWII Europe, and the heroines are based on real women who served in a special and unique women’s group.
Charity’s Code picks up where Homeland’s Hope pauses; throughout the series, the ‘Virtues’ will see each other and help each other in their uniquely separate, yet related, assignments. Each of the ladies is given a code name based on Virtues. Charity (Dorothy Ewing) has always loved puzzles, enters puzzle contests – and even beats out the men! But what possible benefit could her skill at solving puzzles bring to others, especially the war effort?
With her husband and his best friend departed in the RAF, Charity’s special calling to use her unique talent is unveiled, and she joins the special group of the Seven Virtues. It was daunting to see her friends learn to parachute out of planes, and she was thankful in many ways to be doing what she was. With most of the Virtues out on assignments and her husband’s plane shot down, she clung to her heavenly Father and worked countless hours decoding messages receives.
As an amateur puzzle fan, I can appreciate a little bit of how Charity’s mind worked when it came to solving these puzzles. The kind of code that she had to carry about in her head, as well as the code that the radio operators had memorized, was incredible – I couldn’t imagine receiving the messages that she did from many people over the course of a day, and the emotional toll that it could take when knowing personally some of the people involved! Her relationship with the Lord was more detailed than that of some of the other ladies, and I appreciated the loneliness she faced with His presence to sustain her.
It was even more painful when I read the final words of this story of the series than the prior two. The intensity and suspense that the author has built by this point is tremendous! The plot definitely builds from one story to the next. I felt closer to Charity than I had the earlier ‘Virtues’, and quite possibly have more to learn from her. Also, we become much more acquainted with the ‘Virtue’ in each story, and therefore more invested in each of the ladies. The frustration of not having resolution to the challenges they are struggling through is relieved only somewhat as we learn more about the woman who Charity is based on. The story of this woman is not to be missed! The definitions and pictures at the end of the story are helpful when trying to understand the vehicles and aircraft written about, as are some of the terms used in French or German. I highly recommend Charity’s Code to those who appreciate WWII fiction written with great storytelling talent penned with excellent historical research.
With a grateful heart, I received a copy of this book through the “For Readers Only” group at The Book Club Network, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.


A.C. Cuddy

Author3 books6 followers

March 29, 2015

“The exciting Virtues and Valor serialized story continues with book 3! DORTHY EWING never met a crossword puzzle that she couldn't solve with shocking speed. As a loving wife and mother of three children, she had an idyllic life with her home and her puzzles – until she had to see her husband off to war. Then the bombing of the Blitz began.

Now her husband Tom is a POW in Occupied France, her children have been sent to the hopeful safety of her parents' home in York, and she is working at Bletchley Park as an assistant to cryptanalysts. After cracking the code on an encrypted letter from her husband, she is recruited into a special team called The Virtues.”

Book 3… Charity’s Code - just as powerful and intriguing as book 1 and 2. I love this series. I’m not sure why, but I just love Charity. Perhaps it’s the wife doing her part for the war effort. Perhaps it’s her somewhat simple skill of being a crossword puzzle wizard that makes her so valuable to the team. I’m not sure the reason, but Charity is so far my favorite Virtue.

I continue to be amazed at the depth of research that went into the writing of these books. Be sure not to miss the appendix’s at the end of each book that goes in depth into the women that inspired each of these characters, as well as the explanations’ of the language, technical terms, and discussion questions provided by the author. Truly remarkable. Another don’t miss for sure.

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through the “For Readers Only” group at The Book Club Network, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.

*Reviews of this book were posted at the following locations:
Amazon, Christian Book, Deeper Shopping, Goodreads, and to be featured on my blog at

Billie Conrad

126 reviews3 followers

April 11, 2015

In London, England, in 1932 Dorothy Ewing won the title crossword puzzle champion. In 1941, with her husband an RAF pilot shot down over France and her three children in the care of her parents, her crossword puzzle skill led her to doing her part providing support to those who were working on breaking the Nazi’s enigma cipher and training as a crypto-analyst. After a bombing takes the side of her house, she packs her sentimental belongs in pillowcases intending to take them to her parents’ home. A letter from her husband contains strange code that instead sends her to an office building where she eventually comes in contact with Major Charlene Radden and is invited to join the Virtues team. Thus begins the sending of coded letters to Dorothy’s husband in a prison in occupied France and her work under the code name Charity receiving coded messages from wireless operators. You will want to read all seven of the novellas, starting with Temperance’s Trial.
The “Inspired by Real Events” section at the end of this novella tells the story of Dodo Barry the real life heroine who inspired events in Charity’s story and other real events that are included in the fictionalized story. There is a translation key for words and phrases as well as photos and descriptions of period vehicles. There is also a Reader’s Guide with suggested questions making this an excellent selection for a book club.
I received the book from the author by way of The Book Club Network ( in exchange for an honest review.


1,628 reviews58 followers

April 21, 2016

Charity’s Code is the third novella in Hallee Bridgeman’s
Virtues And Valor series.
The Virtues were the code names for a group of women
from different countries used to fight the Nazis. Each
Virtue had to remain anonymous to the others so they
would not know any information that could be obtained
if caught and tortured. But they were still able to meet
and pray together. The stories are based on real women
and their assignments.
Charity is the code name for Dorothy Ewin who is a
housewife. Her spouse, Tom is a member of the RAF
who was shot down and is a POW in occupied France.
Dorothy entered a crossword in 1932 which she wins.
This will lead to her being to chosen to be trained to
decipher codes as a crypto-analyst and become a member
of the Virtues.
She is the only member of the group to be married and
have a family. Her children are staying with their
grandparents while she works on the home front
decoding and sending messengers to help those behind
the lines and to aid in the plan to free prisoners. She
worked on helping support those who were breaking the
Nazi’s cipher.
There are definitions and pictures following the story that
show the aircraft and vehicles written about plus some
French and Germans terms.
The end of the novella features the story of Dodo Barry
the real life heroine who inspired Charity’s story. This
section includes photos plus description of vehicles used
in this period plus a translation key for phrases and words
used in the story.
Thank you to for this eBook. My opinion is my own.

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Karen Dean

136 reviews1 follower

March 30, 2015

Dorothy Ewing is a wiz at crossword puzzles. Can that skill be of use to the war effort? Dorothy’s beloved husband has joined the British air force in the defense of his homeland. This leaves Dorothy and their three children to pray and wait for his safe return. As the bombing of London worsens, Dorothy makes the difficult decision to send her children to the safety of their grandparents. Dorothy gets a job working for the war effort, but when she receives word that her husband is a prisoner of the Germans, she wants to do more. Her opportunity comes with the arrival of a cryptic letter from Tom. Can her gift at solving puzzles be put to good use to help not only her husband, but also the whole effort against the Germans? To achieve this task, she becomes part of a special group of women.
This third installment of the Virtues and Valor series shows the war effort from the battlefield of the Homefront. We see what the civilians on London suffered during the air attacks from the Germans. As in the other books, there is a good deal of information provided by the author about the actual woman upon whom this story was based. There is also quite a bit about life in London during the war. I look forward to the next novella.
I received this from The Book Club Network


56 reviews

November 17, 2014

Charity's Code is another excellent historical fiction writing by Hallee Bridgeman. This novella is the third in a series of seven titled The Virtues and Valor series. Dorothy Ewing is a housewife in England whose husband, Captain Ewing, has gone to France to fight the Germans during World War II. Their children have been sent to stay with grandparents in the countryside to escape the bombings in London. Dorothy receives a letter from her imprisoned husband, but something is strange about the correspondence. Dorothy, who has always been a competitive crossword champion, deciphers a message that her husband has written in code for her to take the letter to Colonel Young. While there she is asked to join the Virtues Squad which is a group of women that have special skills to help in the war effort and given the code name, Charity. Her job is to work as a decoder in England, and the novella depicts her life in the squad. The story ends in a cliff hanger that will be revealed in the seventh novella of this series. The information concerning the real life woman that the story is based upon is excellent with several photographs taken during WW II.

Becky Lewis

875 reviews38 followers

April 1, 2015

Fill-in-the-Blanks Episode...

Charity's Code is third in the exciting Virtue and Valor series by Hallee Bridgeman. In this novella, Dorothy, later codenamed Charity, becomes involved in the war effort initially through her quick crossword puzzle solving skills. When Dorothy's husband is captured by the Nazis and held behind enemy lines, he writes encoded messages to his wife. When the Allies discover Dorothy's propensity for deciphering code, they sign her on to be part of a 7 lady spy team. Dorothy, or Charity, as she becomes called, transmits code to an operator in occupied France, as well as sending encrypted messages and decoding others from her husband to help the War effort.

In this episode, we are also introduced to the other members of the team, and given a little background on each. In some aspects, this novella served as a prequel/catch-me-up for more action to come.

The amount of research that Hallee puts into these books and then shares in the back is incredible. I could read the books for the appendices alone!!

I received this book from in exchange for an honest review.


1,179 reviews

November 17, 2014

Charity"s Code, A Novella ( Virtues and Valor book 3 )
By: Hallee Bridgeman
This is the third book in the Virtues and Valor series. This novella is about another brave woman ,Dorothy Ewin, code name is Charity. Dorothy is a housewife and her husband, Tom, has been shot down and held prisoner in occupied France. She sent her children to York to stay with grandparents. She is a master of crossword puzzles and she entered a contest and wins. Dorothy wants to help her husband. She joins The Virtues Squad Team and her name is Charity. She is trained to decipher codes. You will meet the other brave women in Virtues and Valor. They are working on trying to free the prisoners. Dorothy , Charity, is working on home front. So far she is the only woman that is married and have children. Will she even get to see them again? Will her husband and Temperance ever get out of prison? This is another great short novella about another brave woman in WW11 wanting to help out.
I was given a copy of this book for my honest review, which I have given.


12 reviews3 followers

February 3, 2015

Charity's Code is the 3rd in the Virtues and Valor serialized novel by Hallee Bridgeman. Sometimes you need to catch a breather in a good story and Charity's Code is that little breath.

Not quite as edge of the seat throughout the story, Charity's Code pulls you into the heart wrenching devastation and fear that separated husbands and wives, parents and children, as the Nazis relentlessly bombed Great Britain. While her husband is away at war, Charity also helps further the cause.

An expert puzzler, she catches the secret code her husband buried in a simple letter to home and is pulled even deeper into the war. She becomes one of 7 women, each codenamed a Virtue, to help infiltrate enemy lines and pull off the largest prison break of the war.

Will they be successful? Will Charity see her family back together again or will the news from the front line that has made her fight even harder end with devastation? I couldn't turn the pages fast enough as the story proceeded and saw this part of the second Great War in a fresh new way.



342 reviews

March 30, 2015

Part 3 of the Virtues and Valor Series continues with the spying, excitement, and suspense. This part of the story introduces us to Dorothy Ewing codenamed Charity, and her husband Tom, who Hope met in the German war prison in France in part 2. Charity’s Code fills us in on the back story of Tom Ewing and his wife. Charity works from the home-front in Britain in this story. She communicates back and forth as a decoder of the messages.

You truly don’t want to miss a single book in this series! They are that good. Hallee Bridgeman packs so much action into these serialized novellas that you are literally on the edge of your seat with the nail biting suspense. If you love historical fiction inspired by historical people and events that includes stark bravery of heroes and heroines, you will be inspired by this series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, through The Book Club Network ( in exchange for my honest review.

Debora Wilder

562 reviews2 followers

March 30, 2015

This is a wonderful novella set during WWII.

This story is a fantastic look at life for the wife of a WWII fighter pilot in England. I fell in love with the main character, Dorothy Ewing, from the first moment we see her with her husband and friends before the war starts. She is a wife and soon-to-be mother. I was able to relate to her and her love for her husband and her life. As the story progresses and England goes to war her strength and courage come to the forefront. We quickly learn how God has prepared her to be an asset to her country in their fight against Germany.

The story flows smoothly and captured my attention. I couldn't stop reading it. I was completely caught up in the ongoing story that began in part of this serialized novel. I am going to have to read the rest of it. I need to find out how things end up for all of these incredible characters.

I received a free eBook copy of this novella through The Book Club Network in exchange for my honest opinion.

Bethany Marks

343 reviews12 followers

March 11, 2016

I love the different perspectives from each woman in the Virtues and Valor series. Each book adds to the end of the big-picture storyline in the book before it. What a great series!

Charity is a solver in life. She won crossword puzzle competitions before the war. Now she not only codes and decodes for the spy network, she also starts putting together pieces she gleans of each woman's life prior to their unit, wanting to discover who the ladies are. What a great life view. Charity works with both Temperance and her husband, who is a POW in Paris, passing vital information thru letters in code. Her coding ability networks Great Britian's rescue operation. Hope is on the ground in Paris as a vital part of the operation.

I haven't enjoyed a series more than this one. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Read it!

I received a complimentary book from The Book Club Network at in exchange for my honest review.

    book-fun-club ebooks history-wwii


767 reviews12 followers

June 13, 2015

Charity’s Code is another gripping installment in the Virtues and Valor series! The drama and danger escalate, and the story continues to build in each of the seven serialized novellas. Dorothy Ewing, codenamed Charity, is gifted at coding and aids the group’s daring mission by sending and receiving messages. I really enjoyed Charity’s story and can’t wait to read the next installment in this exciting series!

“Seven valorous women — different nationalities, ethnicities, and social backgrounds — come together as a team called the Virtues. Some find love, some find vengeance, and some discover the kind of strength that lives in the human heart when all they can do is rely on each other and their shared belief. Courage, faith, and valor intersect but, in the end, one pays the ultimate price.”

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network in exchange for an honest review, which I have given.

Joan Arning

1,582 reviews24 followers

April 28, 2015

Charity’s Code is the third novella in the Virtues and Valor series about heroines in Word War II. Dorothy is an expert at crossword puzzles who ends up writing and deciphering code for the British following her husband’s capture by the Nazi’s. She and her POW husband are able to exchange letters with coded information. Each of the 7 books in this series is about a different lady on this select team who helped to win the war. Each book leaves you wanting to read more! Hallee Bridgeman has done a great job making you feel you are right there with these women who sacrificed so much. The books are fiction but they are based on real women. I am learning much about World War II and highly recommend each of these books!

I received this e-book from in exchange for my honest opinion.

Deanna Stevens

1,143 reviews15 followers

June 11, 2015

This a series about 7 different women, each from different backgrounds and ethnicities. Each woman is blessed with different skills . Each novella is tied with the rest and inspired by a real woman that served during WWII and she is discussed at the end of each story. Dorthy Ewing, code named Charity coordinates secret coded letters to her husband who has been captured and working undercover in the prison Temperance is in. Charity is at the home base and is in charge of all communications to the team in France. Her communications in special code alerts her team to danger and directs their actions. Charity's communications can have no mistakes! I enjoyed reading and I'd recommend this story of a truly amazing and talented woman. I was gifted a copy by the author and The BookClub Network ( for review and my honest opinion, which I have given.


Donna Mcginnis

255 reviews8 followers

August 31, 2015

Charity's Code is the third story in the Virtues and Valor Series by Hallee Bridgeman. Dorothy Ewing is a wife and mother but after her husband is captured in occupied France she wants to join the war effort and help free her husband. But what could she possibly do to help. Dorothy is a crossword champion and when her husband starts sending her coded messages in his letters to her she manages to decipher the messages which she shows to Colonel Young. Her skills at decoding land her an offer to join the Virtues team. Another great story in this series of how brave women became heroines in WWII.
This series is well written with historical facts and based on the lives of real women. Charity's code is another powerful story. You won't want to miss reading any of books in this series.

I received a free copy of this book from for my honest opinion and review.

Charity's Code (Virtues and Valor #3) (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.